Near Real Time Election Results from South Carolina

South Carolina Near Real Time Results – South Carolina

AP- calls McCain Winner in SC, NBC Call Race for McCain, Fox News Calls Race for McCain


Note:  Due to voter Machine problems in coastal South Carolina which is a McCain stronghold paper ballots were used in some cases.  Since these will be hand counted results from that area wil arrive slower.

Note:  Due to weather issues in Northern South Carolina some of those results will be coming in slower then in the midlands. 

Note: 2 large counties with over 100, 000 votes have not reported  Georgie Bush took these counties by 10% points.   Spartinburg county was very consevative Bush beat McCainby 22% in 2000, conversley 2 Counties with McCain winning with large percentages over Bush in 2000



83%  Reporting

McCain –  33% -Projected as Winner by all Major Networks

Huckabee –  30%

Thompson – 16%

Romney – 15%

Paul – 4%

Giuiani – 2%

Hunter 0%


Near Real Time Election Results from South Carolina Near Real Time Election Results from South Carolina

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