Signs Liberals are Astroturfing Town Halls "Thank You Obama"

I’d say this explains the eruption of anger at town-hall meetings fairly clearly. “Leah” from New Hampshire says she “just wants to clarify a few things about these manufactured angered crowds,” but instead delivers a manifesto that explains the rise of the Tea Party movement in general.

The anger comes from the blatant disregard of even the pretense of legitimate governance. Elected representatives from Congress openly admit they’re not reading the bills, while leadership in both chambers try to ram through complicated bills without giving anyone a real chance to learn what they say and what they do. It doesn’t help that the bills in question — health care reform and cap-and-trade — are both elitist policies that essentially puts Washington in charge of decisions that people should make on their own. Put all that together, and the only surprise should be that the anger took this long to develop.

Besides, the GOP isn’t the outfit sending out these missives:
Anti-Harkonnen –

I wanted to send you an urgent invitation to an important town hall with Rep. Hank Johnson on Monday evening (August 10th). He’ll be talking to constituents and gathering feedback — this is an ideal opportunity to make sure your support for health insurance reform is seen and heard at exactly the right time.
Our congressional representatives are back home this month, and they’re facing more and more pressure from special interests on health insurance reform. It’s critical that we get out there and show them where we stand.
I hope you can join us.
What: Health Care Town Hall with
Rep. Hank Johnson
Where: Georgia Perimeter College
555 North Indian Creek Drive
Clarkston, GA 30021
When: Monday, August 10th
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Our representatives are under attack by Washington insiders, insurance companies, and well-financed special interests who don’t go a day without spreading lies and stirring up fear. We need to show that we’re sick and tired of it, and that we’re ready for real change, this year.
Please try to arrive early to the town hall, and make sure that the most powerful voices in this debate are those calling for real reform, not angrily clamoring for the status quo.
RSVP here:
Organizing for America
Lee Goodall
Georgia State Director

P.S. — Before the event, please print off a flyer to display and make sure that your support is visible.
This is the flyer, which is the same as the one OfA — a DNC-run organization — sent out earlier this week (h/t Geoff A):
via Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: C-SPAN caller blasts media; Update: New Astroturfing signs for Obamabots.