New RNC Attack Ad on Obama has Upset Many Conservatives

John McCain, Newt Gingrich both complain about the Recent GOP Ad that tries to cast a shadow on Barack Obama as they allude that He is mixed up with Gov.  Blagojevich. 

Many others in the Republican party are saying enough already as they want the party to focus on restructuring and concidering what went wrong with the past election. 

This writer agrees as The RNC hasnt learned anything from the past election.  The showdow casting DID NOT WORK and should be abandon.  The Republuican National Committee needs to focus on legislative stratagy and rebuilding a badly wounded party. 

The economy is tanking, but it’s still dirty tricks time for the Republican National Committee.

Its new Web attack ad tries to link President-elect Barack Obama to Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Frankly, the ad is par for the course in political circles.

The video raises questions about Obama’s ties to Blagojevich, using some audio bites of Obama and the governor, along with semi-inflammatory headlines.

Here’s the twist: The ad has drawn dramatic criticism not only from Democrats but also from leading Republicans.

John McCain, who just happened to be the GOP standard-bearer in the 2008 presidential race, said over the weekend:

“..Right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together… on the economy stimulus package, reforms that are necessary.”

On Tuesday former House Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote RNC Chairman Mike Duncan that the video was a “destructive distraction” at a time of national peril.

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