Study: Left Wing Environmentalists are Clueless Sheep!

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Satire with Seeds of truth.

Albert Einstein, perhaps said it best, ” The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance”.

Certainly if Einstein were alive to today and witnessing Left Wing Eco Nazi’s he would shake his head and state “My point exactly”! A new controversial study by Penn and Teller Institute has uncovered Concrete Proof, Left Wing Environmentalists are Clueless to the Concept when it comes to the Environment, leaving many to wonder that those who blindly follow the Bandwagon of Environmentalism are like so many Lemmings running head long off a cliff of mindless stupidity.

One would think anyone takes up the Environmental Baton to make this world a better place would have a semblence of intelligence and basic high school chemistry.

Otherwise in my opinion, you are a follower who knows not what Environmentalism is all about, signing petitions and not knowing the score is par for the course, as many in the recent federal election salivated at the bit in their quest to join the Green Party or Stephane Dion’s Green Shift Plan.

As we all know, Canadians spoke, regaling the Green Party to Zero Status, who are now over a million dollars in debt in their failed bid to join their cause which had no substance.

The Liberal Party are also in good company with the Green Party, as they are close to bankruptcy with their Green Shift Plan, and the number of their elected members to parliament is at the lowest level since Confederation over a hundred years ago.

Many Canadians when asking politicians and their supporters about their Green Plan and Environment were met by grim silence.

If they were to get an answer it was mostly rhetoric spoon fed to the public in the hopes the public would take to the streets in protest for Governments to do something to save the World like so many Chicken Littles. Yet asking Politicians, Environmentalist, protestors what specific details of the environment they were protesting about, usually was met with a blanket statement, hence leaving me to believe they had not a clue what they were protesting about.

What was really disconcerting was Politicians had all the problems down pat, but no workable solutions, costs or consequences.

In this day and age and with internet and research using search engines at one’s fingertips, it boggles the mind how many blindly Bandwaggon without a second thought to the consequences.

Hitler, Saddam, Stalin and most dictators relied on people like these to get into power with disastrous results.  Is this a repeat of the past to the future of our country? The blind (Left Wing) leading the blind of our two countries?

Many Polls had previously stated North America voters are Environmentally Conscious, unfortunately this video link below, shows way to many whose Environmental sensibilities are Environmentally Unconscious.

I do forewarn Now Public readers, some of the following links use strong language which may offend, especially for those who do not like the grain of truth in frustration or dry wit and satire.