News 2.0: The Future of News in an Age of Social Media


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by Judy Gombita – June 19, 2009 · Audience, Communication, Culture, Journalists, Media, Social media, Web 2.0 –

I’m briefly interrupting the wonderful debate on CPRS’s new definition of public relations to let you know that a new, two-part CBC Radio show, produced by Ira Basen (of Spin Cycles fame), begins on Sunday, June 21st: News 2.0: The Future of News in an Age of Social Media.

Both segments are one hour in length. Part one will air at 11 a.m. North American ET. Part two is slated for Sunday, June 28, 2009, but note that this segment is slated to begin one hour earlier, at 10 a.m. NA ET.

Canadians can tune in via conventional radio (part of the Sunday Report show) in any of the four time zones. International listeners can use the web-based live stream for CBC Radio One. It is also available to subscribers of satellite at Sirius Radio 137. A link to the show should go live this weekend.

Just like Spin cycles, the two-parts will eventually be available as audio files off of the dedicated website; however, first the tapes need to be re-mixed, to delete copyrighted music. (Ira Basen chooses his musical accompaniements with great care, and assures me that “The radio version will be better.”)

The first program, on Sunday, June 21, 2009, features:

– Paul Sullivan, formerly of
– Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur
– Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody
– Paul Gillin, author of The New Influencers

The second program, on Sunday, June 28, 2009, features

– Kirk Lapointe, The Vancouver Sun
– Mathew Ingram, Community Manager, Globe and Mail
– Jeff Jarvis, Buzz Machine and author of What Would Google Do?
– Jay Rosen, PressThink
– Michael Tibbet,

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