Nominating McCain, GOP is Desperate

Nominating McCain is the gesture of a desperate party.

Republicans are so shell-shocked and demoralized by the success of the Bush Derangement Syndrome, they think they can fool the voters by nominating an open-borders, anti-tax cut, anti-free speech, global-warming hysteric, pro-human experimentation “Republican.” Which is to say, a Democrat.

As the expression goes, given a choice between a Democrat and a Democrat, voters will always choose the Democrat. The only question remaining is: Hillary or Obama?

On the litmus test issues of our time, only partially excluding Iraq, McCain is a liberal.

— He excoriated Samuel Alito as too “conservative.”

— He promoted amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants.

— He abridged citizens’ free speech (in favor of the media) with McCain-Feingold.

— He hysterically opposes waterboarding terrorists and wants to shut down Guantanamo.

Can I take a breath now?

— He denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

— He opposes ANWR and supports the global warming cult, even posturing with fellow mountebank Arnold Schwarzenegger in front of solar panels.

The only site that would have been more appropriate for Schwarzenegger in endorsing McCain would have been in front of an abortion clinic.

Although McCain has the minimum pro-life record demanded by the voters of Arizona, in 2006, McCain voted in favor of using taxpayer funds to harvest stem cells from human embryos. He opposes a constitutional amendment to protect human life. And he frets that if Roe v. Wade were overruled, women’s lives would be “endangered.” This is the same John McCain who chides Mitt Romney today for “flip-flopping” on abortion. At least Romney flips and stays there.

Of course the most important issue for pro-lifers is the Supreme Court. As long as Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, it doesn’t matter how many hearts and minds we’ve changed. So it’s not insignificant that McCain has called Justice Samuel Alito too conservative.

We ended up with David Hackett Souter when a Republican president was actually looking for an Alito. Imagine how bad it will be when the “Republican” president isn’t even trying.

McCain uses the boilerplate language of all Republicans in saying he will appoint “strict constructionists.” This is supposed to end all discussion of the courts. But if he’s picking strict constructionists, he will have to appoint judges who will commit to overturning McCain-Feingold.

That could be our litmus test: Will you hold President McCain’s signature legislation restricting speech unconstitutional?

In 2004, McCain criticized the federal marriage amendment, saying, it was “antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans.” Really? Preventing the redefinition of a 10,000-year-old institution — marriage, that is, not John McCain — is part of the core philosophy of being a Republican? I had no idea.

I’m not a lawyer — oh wait, yes, I am — but Republicans were proposing to amend the Constitution, a process the Constitution specifically describes.

It’s like saying it’s antithetical to the core philosophy of Republicans


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