Novak: McCain VEEP Rumors to pull attention off Obama Mid-East Trip

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor,

Rumors on the net were off the charts regarding a statement by Robert Novak that sources close to McCain were saying a Vice-Presidential candidate would be picked this week.

Politisite has learned that this Veep Pick Rumor was leaked to take some of the attention off of Obamas Middle East trip.  Robert Novak is steemed that they used him as a false leak.  He is less likely,  in the future,  to print or repeat information from these sources.

Update: Politisite has received a quote from Robert Novak on this story, “The McCain campaign leaked to us word that he would name his vice presidential candidate this week. As we go to press, this seems most unlikely, and appears a clumsy attempt by McCain aides to create a buzz in the midst of Obama’s triumphal tour”  This will be published in Novaks Report on Thurday.

Novak further related that Governor Mitt Ronmey is probably McCains top pick as Michigan is a swing state and Romney will bring that state into the Republican side in the general election

Robert Novak, the conservative columnist who reported that Sen. John McCain’s campaign was planning an early announcement of a running mate this week, suggests that he may have been played for a story to counter the headlines Barack Obama is making with his journey through Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East and Europe.

“I got a suggestion from a very senior McCain aide late yesterday afternoon that he was going to announce it this week,” Novak told Fox News Channel today. “They didn’t want it to come out the way it was going to come out so they suggested I put it out.

“I then called another senior person who said, ‘I can’t talk about that, but wouldn’t it be a terrific week to announce it that is with Obama getting the headlines?’

“I’ve since been told by certain people that this was a dodge and that they were trying to get some publicity to rain on Obama’s campaign,” Novak, a FOX contributor, told the cable news network. “It’s pretty reprehensible if it’s true, but we’ll find out in a couple of days. “

Time will tell who’s playing whom.

Sources close to Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign are suggesting he will reveal the name of his vice presidential selection this week while Sen. Barack Obama is getting the headlines on his foreign trip. The name of McCain’s running mate has not been disclosed, but Mitt Romney has led the speculation recently.

Very well-placed sources told FOX News late Monday that John McCain’s campaign has had discussions in the recent past about the merits of the expected Republican presidential nominee unveiling his choice of a running mate this week while rival Barack Obama is overseas.

One source with direct knowledge of the senator’s thinking and of the campaign’s machinations said no announcement will be made Tuesday morning but another top insider suggested the media not throw cold water on the idea that McCain could announce his vice presidential pick this week. Still a third source said unless McCain wakes up in the next two days with a decision, chances are “remote.”

Asked about the odds of announcing a vice presidential pick on Tuesday, McCain brushed off the question during a plane ride with reporters to New Hampshire, only giving a mischievous grin.

McCain did tell reporters that he wants to make a choice as early as possible and make sure that the person doesn’t detract from that ticket. He separately noted former rival and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s success in the battleground state of Michigan, in which he beat McCain by 9 points.

McCain VEEP Rumors to pull attention off Obama Mid-East Trip

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