NY Congressman Vito Fossella, won’t seek Re-election

Politisite has just learned that New York Rep. Vito Fossella will not seek re-election. He will post the following statement on his website Tuesday.

May 20, 2008

To the Constituents of the 13th Congressional District:

After a great deal of consideration, I have made the decision not to seek re-election to the United States House of Representatives this November. This choice was an extremely difficult one, balanced between my dedication to service to our great nation and the need to concentrate on healing the wounds that I have caused to my wife and family.

For over 10 years, I have had the distinct privilege of representing the people of Staten Island and Brooklyn. I have been humbled by their support and honored to represent them in Congress. Over the years, we have achieved many great things that have helped make our community and this country a better place to live – from closing the Fresh Kills Landfill, to saving Fort Hamilton, to helping New York cope with the pain and recover from the 9/11 attacks. I am extremely proud of these and other achievements and the fact that our work has made a positive difference in the lives of so many people.

It is for this reason that I will continue to serve you and our community for the duration of my term, which will expire on January 3, 2009.

Despite the personal mistakes I have made, I am touched by the outpouring of support and encouragement I have received from so many people. Their kind words and prayers during this difficult time mean more to me than I can express. And while many have urged me to run for re-election, I believe this course of action is best for my family and our community.

Representing the people of Staten Island and Brooklyn has been the most rewarding professional experience of my life. I am forever grateful to all those I have had the honor to serve.


Vito J. Fossella
Member of Congress

In a bombshell announcement that brings the curtain down on one of the most storied careers in Staten Island political history, fifth-term Republican Rep. Vito Fossella will not seek re-election this fall.

Mired in scandal after revelations about the secret daughter he fathered with Virginia divorcee Laura Fay became public, Fossella (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn) tells constituents in a letter to be posted on his Web site tomorrow, and released exclusively to the Advance, that he will no longer serve them in Congress after his current term expires on Jan. 3, 2009.

Source: silive.com via politisite

Fossella 1 Congressman Comes Clean on Love Child

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