Obama awards Democrat donor & lobbyist with another no-bid contract

Obama, true to form awards another no-bid contract to a supporter.  Politifact ruled his campaign promise as broken when it was uncovered that several no-bid contracts were awarded to lobbyists and supporters.

The Obama administration has steered up to $150 million in federal funding for the development and production of an anthrax vaccine to a bio-defense firm with strong Democratic Party ties, Fox News has learned.
The move comes in spite of President Obama’s long history of pledges to crack down on the awarding of federal contracts without competitive bidding, and just as a federal commission led by two former U.S. senators has given the Obama administration a failing grade on shoring up the nation’s bio-defenses.
Federal records show that executives of the company awarded the contract, as well as its investors and related lobbyists, have long been active contributors to Democratic Party causes and campaigns, including the 2008 presidential campaign of President Obama.
The deal was announced at a time when few Americans were likely to be paying attention: on the evening of Dec. 29, midway between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Read the rest of the story at Hot Air