Obama faces balancing act among politics, diplomacy and labour on

Barry Artiste Op.Ed
Unfortunately when your Chinese Banker holds the mortgage to your entire country, you dance the tune, the band plays. Piss off the Chinese and they may cash in them US Securities they hold in the untold trillions of US Cash, Securities Obama can ill afford to pay back.  The losing of the American Manufacturing Birthright can be blamed soley on the American consumer whose drive for Cheap,ended up screwing your next door neighbours livlihood as consumers are Hypnotized by the Big Yellow Smiley Face, where Low Prices are the Law, regardless that it will destroy your economy!
Time for Canada and North America to start manufacturing and develop technology to compete with Asia, or one day you may find your country is not yours anymore! As it is now, it is yours in name only, but on paper China owns you!


 Obama faces balancing act among politics, diplomacy and labour on China tire duty case
September 10th 2009, Foster Klug, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

By next week, Obama must decide whether the United States will impose a tariff of up to 55 per cent on tires imported from China that a powerful union blames for the loss of thousands of American jobs. The timing of the decision could be awkward. It comes on the eve of an economic summit of the Group of 20 leading rich and developing nations in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. China will be a major presence at the meeting, and the United States will be eager to show it supports free trade. At the same time, Obama needs union support as he makes a high-stakes push for national health care legislation. “He says he’s free trade, and he says he’s pro-union, so it’s impossible for him,” Roy Littlefield, executive vice-president of the Tire Industry Association, which opposes the tire tariff, said in an interview.

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