Didn’t Obama say NO Lobbyists in the White House? Why is nominee for DHS have ties to pharmaceutical Lobby

Didn’t President Obama say NO lobbyists will work for him until two years have passed, and never for an area that would influence a former client ?

President Obama’s nominee at the Department of Homeland Security overseeing bioterrorism defense has served as a key adviser for a lobbying group funded by the pharmaceutical industry that has asked the government to spend more money for anthrax vaccines and biodefense research.

But Dr. Tara O’Toole, whose confirmation as undersecretary of science and technology is pending, never reported her involvement with the lobbying group called the Alliance for Biosecurity in a recent government ethics filing.The alliance has spent more than $500,000 lobbying Congress and federal agencies — including Homeland Security — since 2005, congressional records show.

However, Homeland Security officials said Dr. O’Toole need not disclose her ties to the group on her government ethics form because the alliance is not incorporated: “There’s no legal existence so she wouldn’t have to disclose it,” said Robert Coyle, an ethics official for the Department of Homeland Security.

via EXCLUSIVE: Obama nominee omitted ties to biotech – Washington Times.

colleagues working on Obama’s transition. Several sources have told National Journal that no federally registered lobbyist will be getting a job in the White House. Nor will they be considered for any senior policy position requiring Senate confirmation. Lobbyists will be considered for mid-level policy jobs within the executive branch, but they won’t be able to work on any issue that would benefit a former client, the sources said.

via National Journal Online — Under The Influence — No Lobbyists in the White House in 2009?.