Obama Woo’s Doctors on Health Care Reform – Consider the VA


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VA Medical Center Tainted Endoscopy equipment, 5 HIV 11 HEP | Photo 04

VA Medical Center Tainted Endoscopy equipment, 5 HIV 11 HEP | Photo 04

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The New York Times is rporting on Todays speech to The American Medical Association (AMA) on Government Health Care Reform.  Many appear skeptical over the Government intervention on any front these days.  One should look at past and present take overs by the government and review the sucess rates of each.  Many concider Veterans medical care as an example of what Obama-care would look like.  The Militray Medical insurance systems as well as the Veterans health care turned to Quanity of care rather then Quality of care as a matter of record in the early 90s.  The auto take overs should look at AMTRAK and the Banks should look at Government accounting.   Many as does this writer has reservations on the Governments ability to do anything at resaonble costs of efficently. 

WASHINGTON — President Obama took his health care overhaul proposal to one of its more skeptical audiences, telling doctors at the American Medical Association conference in Chicago that the United States is “not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children.”

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Mr. Obama’s much-anticipated address appeared carefully calibrated to woo doctors to support — or at least, to not actively oppose — his sweeping health proposals. He also sought to reassure doctors who are skittish about his proposal for a government-run insurance plan as one option from which consumers could choose.

Source: nytimes.com

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