What no bipartisanship? Reid Kills Jobs bill White House endorsed
It only took a couple of hours for the White House to endorse the new, bipartisan stimulus plan launched by Sens. Max Baucus and Charles […]
It only took a couple of hours for the White House to endorse the new, bipartisan stimulus plan launched by Sens. Max Baucus and Charles […]
Yep, MSNBC’s Larry O’Donnell had another unhinged cable TV moment today. He’s been screaming on the airwaves for years. Joe Scarborough called the latest outburst […]
Rhode Island congressman and the late Senator Edward Kennedy’s son will announce this Sunday that he won’t seek re-election. He related to a local paper […]
Former President Bill Clinton was recovering Thursday after being rushed to a Manhattan hospital with chest pains and undergoing a procedure to insert two stents […]
Both President Obama and Vice-President Biden campaigned against the surge in Iraq. Now that the surge has worked and Iraq is more stable, Biden gets […]
President Obama waited nearly seven months to nominate candidates for his administration, but now he blames Republicans for not getting his nominees through in a […]
Former Fox News political analyst Angela McGlowan is launching her Mississippi congressional campaign with guns blazing, saying she has no plans to back down to […]
South Carolina Democrat Chad McGowan ended his challenge to Republican Sen. Jim DeMint Wednesday, saying he wanted to spend more time with his family. “The […]
American voters say 59 – 35 percent that 9/11 terrorism suspects should be tried in military courts rather than in civilian courts, as currently planned. […]
They Lied? Iron Chef confesses vegetables not from White House garden For months, the Food Network ran ads about a forthcoming episode of “Iron Chef […]
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