Pakistan furious over U.S. Raid

Pakistan is furious over a United States forces raid that violated the counties sovereignty.  The helcopter raid out ground forces in a remote border villiage of Angor Adda.

This was the first known U.S. Attack crossing into Pakistan,  According to the news service following the event related that twenty peopke were killed including woman and children.

What upset the Foreign Minister Shah Memood Qureshi, the raid a violation of rules of Egagement.  The Minister was also appalled that the United States failed to notify Pakistan of its internions.

ISLAMABAD – Pakistan is determined to defend its territorial integrity, the country’s foreign minister said on Thursday, as anger mounted over a raid by U.S.-led troops on a remote border village.

The pre-dawn helicopter-borne ground assault on the village of Angor Adda on the Afghan border on Wednesday was the first known incursion into Pakistan by U.S.-led troops since the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Twenty people, including women and children were killed, officials said, and a new civilian government, more sensitive to public anger than the previous government, summoned the U.S. ambassador to lodge an angry protest.

Foreign Minister Shah Memood Qureshi said the raid was a shameful violation of rules of engagement agreed with U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

“We will not compromise on any violation of our sovereignty,” Qureshi told the National Assembly.

“We will defend and … we have a resolve and we have national consensus in Pakistan to defend our territorial integrity,” he said. Both houses of parliament later adopted resolutions condemning the attack.

The United States, a major source of aid to nuclear-armed Pakistan, has not officially commented on the raid but there is little, if any, doubt it was carried out by U.S. troops.

The United States says al Qaeda and Taliban militants lurk in sanctuaries in northwest Pakistan’s ethnic Pashtun tribal areas on the Afghan border, where they orchestrate attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan and plot violence in the West.

Pakistan has been a close U.S. ally in the unpopular campaign against terrorism and has tens of thousands of troops battling militants but it rules out incursions by foreign troops.

There have, however, been numerous missile strikes on militants in Pakistan, most believed launched by U.S.-operated pilotless drone aircraft.

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Pakistan  furious over U.S. Raid

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