Rhode Island Congressman Patrick Kennedy Won't Seek Re-Election

Rhode Island congressman and the late Senator Edward Kennedy’s son will announce this Sunday that he won’t seek re-election.  He related to a local paper that he wants to focus his efforts on his family and help those with substance abuse and post traumatic stress disorder issues.  This from the WSJ.com.

Democratic Rep. Patrick Kennedy, the son of the late Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, will not seek reelection this fall, a senior Democrat said Thursday.
The lawmaker, who represented a district in Rhode Island, was elected to Congress in 1994, one of the few new Democrats sent to Capitol Hill at a time when Republicans were sweeping into the majority.
Mr. Kennedy's seat is considered reliably Democratic, and is expected to remain so despite the tumultuous mood of the electorate this year.
His decision to retire comes less than a year after his father's death, and his departure will likely leave Congress without a member of the Kennedy clan for the first time since his uncle, John F. Kennedy, later U.S. president, was elected to the House of Representatives in 1946.
via read the rest of the story at the WSJ.com.