Pelosi say Go, Republicans say NO!, GOP wants Energy Bill

Nancy Pelosi say Go, Republicans say NO!, GOP wants Energy Bill.  GOP Web 2.0

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor, (Opinion-Editorial)

Nancy Pelosi has work to do in Congress, but whats more  important is her book Tour, so she  adjourned the House for its Second Summer vacation.   Nancy’s new book is out and she is scheduled to promote it over the Recess.  The book is on how she cleaned the House, got 2 of 13 bills passed, ethics reform, and Being the Speaker over the worst House approval rating in history.  She had to leave , she couln’t stay and work out a viable energy bill as  her Book is about 1200  on

Well Republicans didn’t want to close the session without some form of an energy bill passed.  Before long Pelosi smashes the Hammer, Turns off the Lights and Microphones, and tries to get reporters removed from the House via Capital Police.  Mean while, Republicans shouting NO! won’t leave.  They have the first web.20 news conference as the House Rules say C-SPAN can only run live if the House is in session. Congressman Coulberson, of TX was Twittering all the way, and had streaming interviews with Congressional Republicans. 

The Dems are hoping that this will not survive the weekend News cycle and fall far off the list.  What is happening with all of the New Media, the story is rising rapidly rather then the Democrats hope of it being over tomorrow.

The following is a snap shot of how the story is moving across the web.   It seems that the GOP has become New Media Savvy.

First WEB 2.0 Congressional News conference as Rep Culberson streams Video here  Live Twitter updates from Rep. John Culberson!

Why is Congressman Culberson doing this.  Since Congress has Adjourned, House rules say that C-SPAN cannot continue broadcasting.  

The Revolution Will Be Twittered? An the News is NowPublic

Pete Hoekstra’s twitterCrowd. Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! They got the message.

And John Culberson’sMin Whip Blunt speaking now describing our bill to drill here drill now to get us through the next 10 to 15 years till we can get new tech

They may over-reach – Newt certainly did – but does anybody still think the Democrats are going to sweep in with a super-majority in November? Because I’m thinking that’s just not gonna happen. Drill here, drill now is something pretty much everybody gets.

But Nancy Pelosi is trying to save the planet! I may lose sight of the fact from time to time, but the planet’s already had a Savior and it certainly wasn’t San Fran Nan.

Added: Hah! Nancy is evidently the reason why the revolution wasn’t televised – she controls television coverage of the House. The tea party is apparently over – fun while it lasted, though:
Pete Hoekstra – We’re closing: singing God Bless America. Stay tuned for future activities. Thanks for tweeting. I hope you felt the same excitement I did.

Floor revolt: No vacation for House Republicans

Floor revolt: No vacation for House Republicans; GOP calls for special session on gas prices; Pence: “Prepared to stay here as long as we can;”

Pelosi says, Boom Boom out go the lights!

From: Stipicevic, John
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 11:39 AM

Although, this Democrat Majority just Adjourned for the Democrat 5-Week Vacation, House Republicans are continuing to Fight on the House Floor. Although the lights, mics and C-SPAN camera’s have been turned off, House Republicans are on the Floor speaking to the taxpayers in the gallery who, not surprisingly, agree with Republican Energy proposals.

All Republicans who are in town are encouraged to come to the House Floor.


“The C-SPAN cameras were gone and the microphones were off, but that didn’t stop a small group of Republicans from taking over the House floor after the House adjourned for five weeks to attack Democrats for leaving town without doing something to lower gas prices… “Madame Speaker, Where art thou?” Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, shouted from the well of the House.”

August recess: Dems says go, Republcians say NO

Congress was in a partisan divide this week over whether to go home for their August recess. In the House, Tom Allen, D-Portland, voted with the Democrats to adjourn. In the Senate, Susan Collins, R-Bangor, voted with the Republicans to stay.

GOP On House Floor Demanding Action On Gas Prices, As Democrats Go On Vacation

Evidently there is chaos on the floor, the Democrats decided to take their vacation, turning out the lights and killing the microphones and the Republicans are staying, demanding that the Democrats deal with the drilling issue and do their job on gas prices putting it before their vacations.

Rep. John Culberson is taping — and Twittering! — outside the chamber, says Hot Air!!!

More Twitter from PeteHoekstra

Malkin has word from GOP lawmakers, emails and such, go see. They are prepared to let the public know that the Democrats care more for their vacations than they do dealing with the gas price issue.

Nancy Nancy, where forth art thou, Nancy?

Nancy “Buy My Book” Pelosi adjourns the 14% Congress for a five week vacation – having categorically refused to bring up energy bills for a vote – and House Republicans stay on the floor discussing energy bills.

“The C-SPAN cameras were gone and the microphones were off, but that didn’t stop a small group of Republicans from taking over the House floor after the House adjourned for five weeks to attack Democrats for leaving town without doing something to lower gas prices… “Madame Speaker, Where art thou?” Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, shouted from the well of the House.”

Hilarity ensues, Nancy shuts lights off and mics down. Jim at Gateway Pundit has all the info, right here. Malkin is on it as well.

Worse. Congress. Ever.

Still think that Democratic leadership gives a shit about the energy crisis?

Update: This is classic, from Politico:

Update 6 – Rep Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) just pretended to be a Democrat. He stood on the other side of the chaber and listed all of the GOP bills that the Dems killed.

He then said “I am a Democrat and here is my energy plan” and he held up a picture of an old VW Bug with a sail attached to it. He paraded around he house floor with the sign while the crowd cheered.

Pelosi Annoyed With Left Murtha:

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