Photos reveal Jaycee Dugard’s squalid prison

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

One look at the squalid Hellhole kidnappers kept Jaycee Dugard in for 18 years, certainly deserves mention, Mention that capital punishment for the Garridos is too good for them, perhaps allowing the kidnappers to be torn apart by a pack of rabid dogs would be more fitting.

SAN FRANCISCO – Junk piled high, mounds of clothes strewn across dirty carpets, a fishtank green with rotting algae and a collection of cat statues and snowglobes.

The first glimpse inside Jaycee Lee Dugard’s prison has revealed a world of mundane squalor with only a few clues about the interests of the young girls who were forced to grow up in the ramshackle labyrinth of tents and sheds.

The insight into Dugard’s living conditions were revealed in a series of pictures taken by a British photographer who reportedly sneaked into the backyard of sex offender Phillip Garrido’s home.

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