Planned Parenthood says Give the Gift of Abortion for Christmas

As Americans Celebrate the Birth of Jesus the Christ, Planned Parenthood is offering Gift Certificates for All services including Abortion.  Planned Parenthood wanting to participate in the Christian Holiday by offering what seems to be a way to mock the Christian Holiday.  I mean what better way to celebrate a birth with a gift for an Abortion?

They call it a “gift,” but some would rather opt for a lump of coal.

A number of Planned Parenthood clinics in Indiana and Illinois are offering gift certificates for their services this Christmas.

Officials say the vouchers enable people to give their loved ones “the gift of life” — that would help pay for annual checkups and birth control — but also can be used for abortions.Chrystal Struben-Hall with Planned Parenthood of Indiana said the idea is a response to economic woes that have forced many women to put health care at the bottom of their to-do list.

“People are making really tough decisions about putting gas in their car and food on their table,” Struben-Hall said.

A number of religious and pro-life groups are outraged, saying that at a time when millions are preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Planned Parenthood is offering a gift that could fund an abortion.

“They can and will be used to end the lives of children at Christmas,” said Cathy Ruse of the Family Research Council. She believes the gift certificates will anger many, even those who are not deeply religious. “A coupon for abortion at Christmastime?” Ruse said. “That’s just inherently offensive, I think, to all Americans.”

Planned Parenthood of Indiana said the gift certificates will be especially useful in a state where, they say, 800,000 people are uninsured or cannot afford basic care.

Even the state’s Health Commissioner is calling the certificates a “really meaningful gift.”

Christmas controversy is not new to Planned Parenthood. In the mid-1990s it began offering “Choice on Earth” holiday cards. The American Life League called the twist on the “peace on earth” message found in the New Testament book of Luke bigoted “mockery.”

Source: via politisite

Give the Gift of Health This Holiday Season

Looking for an unusual, yet practical gift this holiday season? Planned Parenthood of Indiana (PPIN) is now offering gift certificates for services or the recipient’s choice of birth control method. The gift certificates can be purchased online in increments of $25 or for any amount at some of PPIN’s 35 health centers. Contact your local health center to see if they offer the certificates.

The gift certificates can be given to women and men to cover essential services like screenings and birth control. Services such as annual exams for women, which include breast exams and Pap tests, typically cost $58.

“Nearly 800,000 Hoosiers don’t have health insurance and can’t afford basic health services. Why not buy a loved one a gift this holiday season that they really need and one that will contribute to their health throughout the year?” asked PPIN President and CEO Betty Cockrum. “The gift certificates are also a wonderful idea for that person in your life who puts everyone else first and has been putting off taking care of her or his own health. Now, there’s no excuse for those people in your life not to get the basic health care that they need.”

This is the first holiday season that PPIN has offered gift certificates. They can be redeemed at any of the 35 PPIN health centers around the state, no matter where they were purchased.

These gift certificates are not just for the uninsured people in your life. PPIN does take some forms of insurance and the gift certificates could be used for co-pays or medication. Please join Planned Parenthood of Indiana and give the gift of health this holiday season.

Source: via politisite

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Planned Parenthood says Give the Gift of Abortion for Christmas

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