Dodd won’t seek re-election

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT)

The political website Politico has reported it has several Democrat sources that six term Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) will announce retirement on Wednesday.  This comes following poor poll numbers that lead Dodds  campaign staff to believe that he may not be re-elected in November.   This is the second Democrat to announce retirement in as many days.  North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan announced retirement on Tuesday.

For the last several years, Dodd has been accused of getting special treatment by Countrywide Financial on a mortgage and protecting executives at the bailed out American International Group.  These allegations have caused him to drop in the polls by as much as twenty percent. Dodd is the chairman of two Senate committees that made him a major influence on health care and financial reform.

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Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) plans to announce Wednesday that he will retire from the Senate at the end of the year, capping a 30-year career where he rose to be one of the most influential members and held some of the most powerful positions in the upper chamber, several Democratic sources told POLITICO Tuesday night.

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Related Links:

Senator Dodd Official Site

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