Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News from TX, OH, VT, and RI

Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News from TX, OH, VT, and RI. All of our posts are in reverse chronological order.  The newest stories are first, oldest last. 


3:33 am – TEXAS CAUCUS – 37% Reporting

Obama – 52%, Clinton 48%

3:08 am TEXAS CAUCUS – 35% Reporting

Obama – 55%, Clinton 45%

Republican Delegate Count (will change)
McCain 1260
Romney 272
Huckabee 266
Paul  14 

Other NowPublic Stories on the Election:

Bulletin from Texas: Here we go and go and go an
TEXAS – Major networks call it for Clinton and Clinton Wins Ohio
Ohio and Texas Turning Point for Democrats
Clinton wins Texas; McCain seals GOP nod


 2:27 am TEXAS CAUCUS – 35% Reporting

Obama – 55%, Clinton 45%

Texas caucus hardball: Clinton caucus “training materials

Texas caucus hardball

The Dallas Morning News gets hold of Clinton caucus “training materials,” in which supporters are instructed to fight for procedural control of caucuses.

The materials say in part, “DO NOT allow the supporter of another candidate to serve in leadership roles.”

It goes on to say, “If our supporters are outnumbered, ask the Temporary Chair if one of our supporters can serve as the Secretary, in the interest of fairness.

“The control of the sign-in sheets and the announcement of the delegates allotted to each candidate are the critical functions of the Chair and Secretary. This is why it is so important that Hillary supporters hold these positions.”

Some of the moments on the ground in Nevada showed how crucial technical control can be, particularly when — there, as expected in Texas — nobody has any idea what the rules are. Really makes you love the caucus process.

Source: politico.com via politisite

Obama will win the TX Caucus

2:17 am TEXAS CAUCUS – 26% Reporting

Obama – 55%, Clinton 45%

My Precinct Caucus Experience in Somervell County, Texas

My Precinct Caucus Experience in Somervell County, Texas

4 March 2008

Precinct 2. I was surprised to see so many people show up. Got the packet and promptly at 7:15 had people sign in, which took about 10 minutes to do. Then, I was elected to be the convention chair , and we elected a secretary and I began the task of counting how many people were there, and who was for whom, and how to do the numbers. Several of us, with the help of a calculator, figured out the percentages, which, out of 11 delegates, were 7 for Clinton and 4 for Obama. Then the sides broke into their own caucuses to decide who would be the delegates to go on to the county convention in a few weeks and that was that. Everyone was very excited, not the least reason being that this was the first precinct convention anyone could remember attending, and it was great no matter what to know that our votes were actually important this time around. Everything went very smoothly, and while I personally would have wished for more Obama supporters to show up (which they actually did in another precinct here where Obama supporters outdid Clinton), overall it was very satisfying.

P.S. Somervell County always puts the numbers out on a whiteboard downtown on the square. I noticed on the Republican side that McCain only beat Huckabee by SIX VOTES. When we got home, I heard that Huckabee withdrew because his numbers were so low in Texas… well not in THIS county.

Source: salon.glenrose.net via politisite

I wasted another good evening watching election coverage, but at least the news was good. But what on earth is wrong with MSNBC? With the exception of Scarborough, they are all out of their minds. These supposedly disinterested observers are all shilling for Obama at every possible moment, harping on Hillary’s “3 a.m.” campaign ad as though it were an impertinence to discuss the national security experience of an untested junior Senator. That’s an attack ad? Oooh, get ready for the real attack ads come the fall.

Source: sfgate.com via politisite

Did Rush Limbaugh Affect the Election in TX?

Seeing as how it was “his” hour, Bill O’Reilly was allowed to make a few remarks at the beginning of tonight’s Super Tuesday II coverage with FOX’s most serious anchor, Brit Hume. The contrast was startling; O’Reilly’s sloppy language and bombast looked even dumber next to Hume’s professional demeanor, and his tired talking points were empty and meaningless. No wonder he’s not a regular on the political analysis teams during debates and primaries.

O’Reilly had three talking points (which he’ll “report” on tomorrow on the radio and television): first, Obama could lose the popular vote in Texas and still gain more delegates because of the structure of the Texas system. Second, Rush Limbaugh has exhorted his Texas dittoheads to go out and vote for Hillary Clinton, presumably because he feels she would be easier to beat in the general election. O’Reilly labeled it a “sabotage play” and not only did not condemn it as electioneering, said he found it amusing. Remarkably, he did not make any connection between it and point three: “the media,” especially NBC, is all in the tank for Obama and should just come out and say so, but regardless of their efforts the folks don’t want to be told by the news media who to vote for. He’s just appalled that a news organization could be so blatantly biased – never seen anything like it before!

RUSH, king of  talk radio: Vote for Hillary, cause chaos in the Democratic party.
O’REILLY: “The media” is telling people how to vote.

Source: newshounds.us via politisite

Joe Van Kanel wonders whether the 10 percent of Texas Democratic primary voters who were Republican cross-overs were taking orders from Rush Limbaugh to vote for Clinton. [Political Ticker/CNN]

And what impact has the call by conservative talk show hosts had on urging Republicans to cross over and vote for Hillary to stop Obama had? Earlier in the campaign, news stories said many GOPers would cross over to vote against Hillary, as payback against the Clintons. But Rush Limbaugh and others have now been steadily urging Texas GOPers to vote for Clinton to halt Obama’s seeming advance. Will that be a factor?

Source: themoderatevoice.com via politisite

1:58 am – TEXAS CAUCUS – 22% Reporting

Obama – 56%, Clinton 44%

Other NowPublic Stories on the Election:

Bulletin from Texas: Here we go and go and go an


TEXAS – Major networks call it for Clinton and


Clinton Wins Ohio


Ohio and Texas Turning Point for Democrats


Clinton wins Texas; McCain seals GOP nod

All of our posts are in reverse chronological order.  The newest stories are first, oldest last. 

1:22 AM –

TEXAS CAUCUS – 14% Reporting

Obama – 54%, Clinton 46%

My Caucus Experience

Well, it’s done and over. I’m sure the ads will die down and the candidates will move on to conquer their next state. It was an experience that I feel will push me to get more involved. There were all types of people there. People brought their kids and families. Despite not having a clue what we were to do, most were cool, discussing politics or making a new friend.

I was really bothered by the confusion and lack of information on how to caucus. It’s a simple process, but I had to visit a number of sites to get a clear understanding. Even then, it still wasn’t clear, but I knew I’d learn a lot at the caucus site. I talked with other friends of mine and it was much of the same thing. Long lines and confusion. But I have hopes that Texas will work out the kinks for next time.

To see people getting out to vote was a sight to behold. The parking lot was full and people were chanting for their candidate. This is what democracy is all about. We have it available, yet seem to take it for granted. Despite who wins, my hope is that people will still continue to be involved. Change is needed and we have the opportunity to make it happen.

Source: theotalks.net via politisite

Pennsylvania, YES YOU COUNT!

HARRISBURG – The political road show that has crisscrossed the nation is now destined for Pennsylvania.

Victories for Hillary Rodham Clinton in Ohio and Rhode Island last night, and a tight race in Texas, seemed certain to give her the momentum she needs to bring the race to the Keystone State.

Not since Jimmy Carter in 1976 have residents in the state had a real voice in a presidential primary.

As Gov. Rendell said just hours before the polls closed in Ohio, “We’ll know by the end of the night whether Pennsylvania will be irrelevant or the center of the universe.”

And by 11 p.m., Clinton announced to cheering supporters: “In states like Pennsylvania and so many others, people are watching this historic campaign and they want their turn to help make history. They want their voices to count. And they should.”

So the next seven weeks before the April 22 vote will likely see intense campaigning by Clinton and Barack Obama, who is expected to still be ahead in the delegate race.

Source: philly.com via politisite

12:51 pm –

TEXAS CAUCUS – 5% Reporting – 1/3 of delegates at stake

Obama – 56%, Clinton 44%

Politisite will now focus our attention to the Texas Caucus vote

12:43 am – Fox News projects Clinton Wins the Texas Popular Vote. This does not mean she will win the most delegates or the caucus

OHIO – Election Results – 87% Reporting
Clinton -55%, Obama – 43%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

TEXAS -Election Results – 75% Reporting
Clinton – 51%, Obama – 48%, 

McCain – 52%, Huckabee – 37%, Paul – 5%


Obama – 56%, Clinton 44%



TEXAS CAUCUS – 5% Reporting

Obama – 56%, Clinton 44%

OHIO – Election Results – 81% Reporting
Clinton -56%, Obama – 42%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

TEXAS -Election Results – 75% Reporting
Clinton – 50%, Obama – 48%, 

McCain – 52%, Huckabee – 37%, Paul – 5%


OHIO – Election Results – 81% Reporting
Clinton -56%, Obama – 42%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

TEXAS -Election Results – 75% Reporting
Clinton – 50%, Obama – 48%, 

McCain – 52%, Huckabee – 37%, Paul – 5%

Clinton Camp Counsel Complains About Texas Caucus « POLITISITE: Politics from the RIGHT Side of the WEB

Clinton Camp Counsel Complains About Texas Caucus

Posted on March 5, 2008 by politisite | Edit

TO: Interested Parties

FROM: Lyn Utrecht Campaign Counsel

RE: Caucus Irregularities

The campaign legal hotline has been flooded with calls containing specific accusations of irregularities and voter intimidation against the Obama campaign. This activity is undemocratic, probably illegal, and reflects a wanton disregard for the caucus process.

The three most egregious categories are:

1) Irregularities: Prematurely Taking Precinct Convention Packets by Obama Campaign

Numerous calls have shown that Obama supporters prematurely removed convention packets from polling places. Packets may not legally given out until 7:15 PM or when the last voter has cast a ballot in the primary. The Texas State Party warned the Obama campaign in writing that they may not take these packets early or remove them from the polling locations. The Party directed that these irregularities be reported to law enforcement “since they amount to criminal violations.” The Party stated “removing convention packets … will not be tolerated.”

A sampling of the precincts where this occurred are:

659 – Tarrant

709 – Houston

2316 – Tarrant

1205 – Dallas

3127 – Bexar

3082 – Fort Bend

18/224 – Harris

3221 – Dallas

87 – El Paso

851 – Houston

115 – Harris

470 – Galveston

388 – Harris

3000 – Dallas

1214 – Dallas

20 – Medina

205 – Walker

2) Voter Intimidation: Lock-out of Clinton caucus goers by Obama Campaign

Numerous calls have been received that the Obama campaign has taken over caucus sites and locked the doors, excluding Clinton campaign supporters from participating in the caucus. The Clinton supporters have been unable to enter the premises to caucus. In at least one instance, law enforcement was called and forcibly opened the caucus site.

A sampling of the precincts where this occurred are:

4401 – Dallas

2052 – Tarrant

4402 – Dallas

75 – Harris

18 – Hardin

259 – Harris

124 – Nueces

4050 – Tarrant

115 – Harris

6 – Roma County

78 – Jefferson

117 – Denton

  1. There are numerous instances of Obama supporters filing out precinct convention sign-in sheets during the day and submitting them as completed vote totals at caucus. This is expressly against the rules. The sign-in sheets were copied by the Obama campaign from the Texas Democratic Party website and taken by supporters to various polling places to sign-up caucus goers prior to the start of the caucuses

Source: politisite.wordpress.com via politisite

Caucus Problems  throughout Texas Upset Voters, Some still waiting

By Joe LePage – KETK News

Story Created: Mar 4, 2008 at 10:46 PM CST

Story Updated: Mar 4, 2008 at 10:46


TEXAS – The Texas Democratic Party helped settle a dispute between the campaigns of Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

The Democratic Presidential Campaigns today traded accusations of primary day “shenanigans” in Texas.

Allegations flew from both camps that staffers were signing up participants before the precinct caucuses.

Other claims involved the alleged swiping of caucus packages containing tools for the second round of voting in the Texas Democratic Primary System.

Source: ketknbc.com via politisite


DALLAS—Texans turned out in overwhelming numbers for Tuesday’s primary, resulting in long lines at polling places, shortages of paper ballots in some precincts and overflow crowds at post-election caucuses.

Some precincts in Houston remained open after 10 p.m. to accommodate long lines of waiting voters. Similar scenes were reported elsewhere in the state, including Travis and Tarrant counties.

“At this point in time, everybody’s looking for something different,” said Al Miller, a 20-year-old financial services staffer who voted in Hurst. “I expected a lot of turnout because everybody’s trying to make a difference.”

Turnout had been expected to set a new Texas record. Based on early voting numbers, Secretary of State Phil Wilson projected26 percent of the state’s 12.7 million registered voters in Texas would cast ballots.

State Democratic Party officials also were expecting a dramatic increase because of the intense race between Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.

“This has the air of a once-in-a-lifetime event,” said Democratic precinct chair Bob Ackerman in Dallas. “All of a sudden, we matter after having been forgotten so long as Democrats in George Bush’s home state.”

The crush of voters caused a run on ballots in some counties where parties are responsible for ordering ballots.

Washington County Elections Administrator Linda LaCross expected problems before the polls even opened Tuesday.

Source: elpasotimes.com via politisite

Verbal arguments, power plays and voter confusion hampered Democratic caucuses throughout Dallas County on Tuesday, party officials said.

In between an influx of phone calls from complaining voters, county Democratic chair Darlene Ewing said she was frustrated and blamed presidential campaigns for spreading misinformation about the state’s hybrid primary-caucus system.

But she also expressed excitement because much of the problems were due to overwhelming turnout that shattered previous records.

“It’s a wonderful problem,” she said

Ms. Ewing said candidates urged voters to turn out in the primaries and the caucuses so their votes counted. But in Texas’ hybrid system, all votes count.

“As with all political campaigns, they talk in sound bites,” she said.

In Texas, ballot results account for 126 of 193 delegates. The caucus counts for 67, but Tuesday’s caucuses are just the start of process that won’t end until the state party convention in June.

One piece of misinformation, Ms. Ewing said, was that caucuses must begin at 7:15 p.m. and whoever holds the precinct’s paperwork controls the caucus. Caucuses could not start until after ballot voting ended, and at many polling places, large turnout delayed the end of voting because anyone in line at 7 p.m. was allowed to vote.

Ms. Ewing said in many cases, ballot voting did not end until after 9 p.m. Also, precinct chairs typically call the caucuses to order and conduct the count.

Most precinct chairs were also election judges who were sent caucus paperwork in advance but instructed not to open the paperwork until the start of the caucus.

Source: dallasnews.com via politisite

11:52 pm –

OHIO – Election Results -73% Reporting

Clinton -56%, Obama – 42%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

TEXAS -Election Results – 65% Reporting
Clinton – 50%, Obama – 48%, 

McCain – 52%, Huckabee – 37%, Paul – 5%

 11:40 pm – Obama Speaking. He relates that politics doesnt start at the closed doors of washington but at the street corner when a few say yes we can, to a city, even more say, “yes we can”  to states that have developed a movement and may say, “yes we can”.  Relates that John McCain is more of the same.  Calls him the third term of Bush.  Clinton has echoed McCain, “speeches not action”.  There is nothing empty about the call for help and gives several examples

11:40 pm –

OHIO – Election Results -72% Reporting – Network Now Projecting Clinton Win
Clinton -56%, Obama – 42%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

TEXAS -Election Results – 58% Reporting
Clinton – 50%, Obama – 48%, 

McCain – 52%, Huckabee – 36%, Paul – 5%

11:31 pm  –  Hilliary will go to PA which demographically will go er way.  But 3 other states favor Obama.

Our last results for VT

Vermont – Elections Results -83% Reporting
Obama -60%, Clinton – 38%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

11:28 pm –

OHIO – Election Results -68% Reporting – Network Now Projecting Clinton Win
Clinton -57%, Obama – 41%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

TEXAS -Election Results – 52% Reporting
Clinton – 50%, Obama – 48%, 

McCain – 52%, Huckabee – 36%, Paul – 5%Vermont – Elections Results -83% Reporting
Obama -60%, Clinton – 38%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

Hilliary Clinton:  Thanks the people of Ohio, Thanks to those who have been counted out but not knocked out.  As Ohio goes so goes the nation.  The Senator says she is going all the way.  No one has ever won the White House without Winning in Ohio. She rattles off MI and FL as wins.  She relates that she needs to turn around the economy.  She says she is ready to take on John McCain. Chants of “yes she can, Yes she can” Mocks Obama Chant, Saying, “Yes we Will”

I have a question for Clinton and Obama, “if the economy is SO BAD, how can you raise millions of dollars”?  I have a question for the Clintons, “if Republicans are for the rich and corperate America, why did the stock market go through the roof under a Clinton administation?”

I have a question for John McCain, “Hows McCain/Fiengold working for you now?”

Rhode Island – 98% Reporting
XClinton-58%, Obama – 41%

XMcCain – 65%, Huckabee – 22%, Paul -7%

 11:11 pm –

OHIO – Election Results -63% Reporting – Network Now Projecting Clinton Win
XClinton -56%, Obama – 42%

XMcCain – 59%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

Rhode Island – 88% Reporting
XClinton-58%, Obama – 40%

XMcCain – 65%, Huckabee – 22%, Paul -6%

TEXAS -Election Results – 39% Reporting
Clinton – 50%, Obama – 49%, 

McCain – 53%, Huckabee – 35%, Paul – 5%

Vermont – Elections Results -83% Reporting
XObama -60%, Clinton – 38%

XMcCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

11:08 Networks standing by to cue Clinton

10:58 pm –

OHIO – Election Results -55% Reporting – Network Now Projecting Clinton Win
Clinton -57%, Obama – 41%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

Rhode Island – 88% Reporting
Clinton-59%, Obama – 40%

McCain – 65%, Huckabee – 22%, Paul -7%

TEXAS -Election Results – 23% Reporting – Reversal
Clinton – 50%, Obama -49%, 

McCain – 54%, Huckabee – 35%, Paul – 5%

Vermont – Elections Results -81% Reporting
Obama -60%, Clinton – 38%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

The big question is now prevailing in the blogs: “What has Obama really Accomblished?” Clinton finally has struck a cord of truth with voters by bringing up this question.

As Politisite Projected 24 hours ago, The networks are now projecting Clinton Winning in Ohio

10:44 pm –

OHIO – Election Results -50% Reporting
Clinton -57%, Obama – 41%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

Rhode Island – 83% Reporting
Clinton-59%, Obama – 40%

McCain – 65%, Huckabee – 22%, Paul -7%

TEXAS -Election Results – 23% Reporting
Obama -49%, Clinton – 49% (wthin 2K votes)

McCain – 54%, Huckabee – 35%, Paul – 5%

Vermont – Elections Results -76% Reporting
Obama -60%, Clinton – 38%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

 10:34 pm –  Politisite Note.  TX, Narrowing to within 10K Votes.  Obama Rich Counties have not been counted .  Most of Clinton have been counted.  1/3 of the delegates come from Caucus.  OHIO, Look for Narrowing in Ohio many of Obama counties not counted until 9pm.  Look for a closer race here with Clinton to win.  Tx we still think Obama wins Popular and delegate vote.  Spliting the two big states and 3 small.  Each comes away with 2 states each. 

OHIO – Election Results -46% Reporting
Clinton -56%, Obama – 42%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

Rhode Island – 83% Reporting
Clinton-59%, Obama – 40%

McCain – 65%, Huckabee – 22%, Paul -7%

TEXAS -Election Results – 21% Reporting
Obama -49%, Clinton – 49%

McCain – 54%, Huckabee – 34%, Paul – 5%

Vermont – Elections Results -76% Reporting
Obama -60%, Clinton – 38%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

McCain Claims Republican Nomination; Democrats Split (Update1)

By Kristin Jensen and Catherine Dodge

March 4 (Bloomberg) — Republican John McCain secured his party’s presidential nomination as rival Mike Huckabee conceded after losing primaries in Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton each scored a victory in Democratic primaries tonight, according to network projections.

Obama won in Vermont, while Clinton claimed victory in Rhode Island, Fox News, CNN and the Associated Press projected. The primary in Ohio was too close to call, according to the networks. Results were still being tallied in Texas.

Obama, a senator from Illinois, has now won 12 of the 13 contests since the Feb. 5 Super Tuesday voting, putting more pressure on Clinton to do well in delegate-rich Ohio and Texas. Exit polls in Ohio showed that Clinton, a New York senator, won union households and split the others with Obama, CNN reported.

“Plain and simple, Clinton is finished if she doesn’t win both Texas and Ohio,” said Kenneth Mayer, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. “And she’s probably finished if she doesn’t win decisively — by 10 points or more — in both states.”

Huckabee, 52, conceded defeat to McCain at a rally in Irving, Texas. Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor, said he called McCain, an Arizona senator, and pledged to help unite the Republican Party.

“Senator McCain has run an honorable campaign because he’s an honorable man,” Huckabee said.

Bush Endorsement

McCain, 71, plans to travel to Washington tomorrow to receive the endorsement of President George W. Bush at the White House, according to administration spokeswoman Dana Perino and McCain aide Steve Duprey.

McCain said he was prepared to take on the nomination “with confidence, humility and a sense of great responsibility.”

In the Democratic race, Obama has at least 1,129.5 pledged delegates, according to an unofficial tally by the Green Papers, a non-partisan Web site that tracks the nomination campaign. That gives him a lead over Clinton of 119 delegates; a candidate needs 2,025 to gain the nomination.

The states holding presidential primaries today have a total of 370 pledged delegates at stake for the Democrats, mostly awarded proportionally based on votes. Texas Democrats have a combination primary and caucus to select delegates.

Source: bloomberg.com via politisite

Poll:  Working Class Whites Back Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton showed renewed strength Tuesday in Texas and Ohio among whites and working class voters who had begun deserting her in recent contests, early results from exit polls in the states showed.

With her back against the wall in a pair of contests that seemed virtually must-win, the New York senator seemed to be limiting Barack Obama to groups that have supported his candidacy from the start of this year’s Democratic presidential contest.

Source: townhall.com via politisite

McCains Victory Speech Text Here

Text of remarks prepared for delivery Tuesday by Sen. John McCain after he won enough delegates to claim the Republican presidential nomination, as provided by McCain’s campaign

Source: foxnews.com via politisite

10:15 pm – Rhode Island – 49% Reporting
Clinton-61%, Obama – 38%

McCain – 64%, Huckabee – 23%, Paul -7% 

10:14 pm – OHIO – Election Results -36% Reporting
Clinton -57%, Obama – 41%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

 10:12 pm -Vermont – Elections Results – 68% Reporting
Obama -60%, Clinton – 38%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

10:11 pm -TEXAS -Election Results – 13% Reporting
Obama -50%, Clinton – 48%

McCain – 55%, Huckabee – 34%, Paul – 5%

10:04 pm – OHIO – Election Results -29% Reporting
Clinton -57%, Obama – 41%

McCain – 61%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

9:57 pm -TEXAS -Election Results – 9% Reporting
Obama -51%, Clinton – 48%

McCain – 56%, Huckabee – 33%, Paul – 5%

9:55 pm -Vermont – Elections Results – 63% Reporting
Obama -59%, Clinton – 39%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 7%

9:53 pm – OHIO – Election Results -22% Reporting
Clinton -59%, Obama – 39%

McCain – 58%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

9:48 pm McCain Speaking 

9:39 pm – Rhode Island – 14% Reporting
Obama-53%, Clinton – 46%

McCain – 56%, Huckabee – 33%, Paul -5% 

9:44 pm – OHIO – Election Results -18% Reporting
Clinton -58%, Obama – 40%

McCain – 58%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

9:39 pm – Rhode Island – 10% Reporting
Clinton -53%, Obama – 46%

McCain – 63%, Huckabee – 22%, Paul -8%:37 pm – OHIO – Election Results -14% Reporting
Clinton -60%, Obama – 38%

McCain – 58%, Huckabee – 33%, Paul -4%

9:28 pm –TEXAS – 4% Reporting
Obama -54%, Clinton – 45%

McCain – 56%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul – 5%

9:28 pm – Rhode Island – 14% Reporting
Clinton -53%, Obama – 46%

McCain – 63%, Huckabee – 22%, Paul -6%

9:28 pm – OHIO – Election Results -7% Reporting
Clinton -60%, Obama – 38%

McCain – 58%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul -5%

9:22 pm – Huckabee, states that we should turn our attention to get  Republican Nomonee elected.  Thanks his wife who is tearful, thanks staff, Quotes from the Bible, “I have finished the race, fought the good fight”


9:21 pm – OHIO – Election Results -5% Reporting
Clinton -60%, Obama – 38%

McCain – 59%, Huckabee – 31%, Paul -5%

9:17 pm – Rhode Island – 5% Reporting
Clinton -50%, Obama – 49%

McCain – 63%, Huckabee – 24%, Paul -8%

9:15 pm – Rhode Island – 3% Reporting
Clinton -52%, Obama – 37%

McCain – 63%, Huckabee – 24%, Paul -8% 

9:15 pm – OHIO – Election Results – 3% Reporting
Clinton -58%, Obama – 40%

McCain – 60%, Huckabee – 30%, Paul -5%

9:11 pm – Huckabee at 4 seasons Hotel networks are standing by to que Huckabee

9:08 pm -TEXAS -Election Results – 3% Reporting
Obama -54%, Clinton – 45%

McCain – 53%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul – 5% 

9:06 pm.  McCain wins Republican Nomination.  Huckabee to conceide race. 

9:04 pm watching feed from Dallas McCain is about to be announced.  Phil Graham is speaking now

9:03pm – Mike Huckabee will drop his presidential bid.  Stand by at 8:10-8:15 pm local time

9:00 pm McCain Wins TX, Wins R Nomination.  AP, CNN, ABC, NPR, FOX, NBC, Politisite

 8:58 pm -TEXAS -Election Results – 1% Reporting
Obama -54%, Clinton – 45%

McCain – 56%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul – 5%

8:55 pm – Bob Woodward and Dick Armey is on C-SPAN2

8:53 pm –  Politisite will call Rhode Island for Clinton and McCain.  Networks will do this right at 9:00pm

8:51 pm – Clinton will speak in OHIO.  Satellite  feed is Fox. Expect her to speak at 9:00 pm.  McCain will speak in Dallas at 10:00 pm Eastern

8:50 pm – OHIO – Election Results – 1% Reporting
Clinton -60%, Obama – 38%

8:48 pm –Vermont – Elections Results – 36% Reporting
Obama -59%, Clinton – 39%

McCain – 72%, Huckabee – 15%, Paul – 6%

 8:41 pm –Vermont – Elections Results – 31% Reporting
Obama -59%, Clinton – 39%

McCain – 70%, Huckabee – 15%, Paul – 7%

8:38 pm –TEXAS -Election Results – 1% Reporting
Obama -56%, Clinton – 43%

McCain – 56%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul – 5%

8:27 pm –TEXAS -Election Results – 1% Reporting
Obama -58%, Clinton – 41%

McCain – 56%, Huckabee – 32%, Paul – 5% 

8:22 pm- Terry McCalliffee is on MSNBC talking about MI and FL delegates.  This is a sign that the Clinton Camaign sees the reading on the wall.  The best way to stay in contest Florida and Michigan.  Read my notes on the Florida Primary Results on NowPublic as I outlined what they would do.

8:18 pm –TEXAS -Election Results – 0% Reporting – We think these are Absentee votes (about 300K)
Obama -58%, Clinton – 41%

McCain – 54%, Huckabee – 36%, Paul – 4%

8:16 pm – OHIO – Election Results – 1% Reporting
Clinton -62%, Obama – 36%

McCain – 69%, Huckabee – 21%, Paul – 5%

8:13 pm – Obama Campaign won a judges order in 1% of Pt in Cleveland. Polls will stay open until 9:00 pm. Problem here is these polling places have been closed since 7:30 pm.  This opens up law suits in OH.  So we have potential law suits in both TX and OH. 

 8:12 pm -TEXAS -Election Results – 0% Reporting – We think these are Absentee votes (about 300K)
Obama -60%, Clinton – 39%

McCain – 53%, Huckabee – 37%, Paul – 4%

8:10 pm -TEXAS -Election Results – 0% Reporting – We think these are Absentee votes
Obama -58%, Clinton – 41%

McCain – 52%, Huckabee – 39%, Paul – 4%

Politisite Political Projections: Texas Two Step

Republican’s Voting in Democratic Primary

  1. Talk show host Rush Limbaugh and others have urged people to vote in the Democratic primary. With John McCain the Presumptive Republican nominee some voters will vote in the Democratic primary for Hilliary due to her negative likability factors

Source: nowpublic.com via politisite

8:05 pm -Vermont – Elections Results – 11% Reporting
Obama -59%, Clinton – 39%

McCain – 70%, Huckabee – 15%, Paul – 7%

OHIO – Election Results – 1% Reporting
Clinton -56%, Obama – 42%

McCain – 63%, Huckabee – 27%, Paul – 6%

8:00 pm- Obama – due to the report of shortages of ballots in Cleveland and Columbus, requested to a judge that Polls be left open longer. The secratary of state says Sundusky co. will be open until 9 pm in Ohio

7:56 pm –OHIO – Election Results – 0% Reporting
Clinton -56%
Obama – 42%

McCain – 63%
Huckabee – 27%
Paul – 6%

7:54 pm -Vermont – Elections Results – 6% Reporting
Obama -59%
Clinton – 39%

McCain – 72%
Huckabee – 15%
Paul – 6%

7:51 pm – Some Clinton supporters may have signed Caucus ballots before the caucus begins at 9:00 pm , There are complaints on both Obama and Clinton supporters stating that Caucus will not be held.  I think this is going on to contest the results.  Watch for this.

7:50 pm – Sundusky County, OH may not report until 9:00 pm tonight

7:42 pm-Vermont – Elections Results – 4% Reporting
Obama -56%
Clinton – 41%

McCain – 75%
Huckabee – 13%
Paul – 4%

7:40 pm -Obama, Clinton duel in Ohio, Texas

The Vermont victory was Obama’s 12th straight over the former first lady and left her desperate to rebound later in the night in the other three states holding elections.

McCain added first Vermont, then Ohio to his column in the Republican race, and moved to within about 130 of the delegate total needed to clinch the nomination. Aides readied a giant banner bearing the magic number — 1,191 — to serve as a backdrop for an anticipated victory celebration in Dallas.

The Associated Press made its calls based on surveys of voters as they left the polls.

Source: news.yahoo.com via politisite

 7:34 pm -Vermont – Elections Results – 2% Reporting
Democrat – Obama -54%, Clinton – 44%,


Republican – McCain – 74%, Huckabee – 14%, Paul – 4%


7:30 pm – CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, Politisite  – Project John McCain to win Ohio


7:21 –

Vermont – Elections Results – 0% Reporting only 1000 votes
Obama – 53%
Clinton – 45%


McCain – 72%
Huckabee – 15%
Paul – 3%

7:16 – a Bomb threat was called into a polling place.  Sweeped and clear.  A Man Arrested for attaching democratic supporters

7:15 pm – Next Polls close in 15 minutes  OH.  We project McCain winner.  We have Clinton winning in Ohio

7:12 pm – You can add 17 delegates for McCain

7:08 pm – We are still waitng on the first election results from VT.  Exit polling data: Dems VT 44%W/56%M  Highest age demographic is 45-59 Y/O @ 38%

7:00 –Fox news, CNBC, CNN Projects Barack Obama, John McCain to Win Vermont

Politisite Political Projections: Ohio

Politisite Political Projections: Texas Two Step


Texas exit polls

Results from partial statewide samples of voters in 40 precincts each in Ohio and Texas and 20 each in Rhode Island and Vermont as well as a telephone survey of early voters in Texas. Fieldwork by Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International. Sample sizes ranged from 364 voters in the Rhode Island Democratic primary to 1,453 in the Texas Democratic contest.

Despite rain and floods, voter turnout strong in Ohio primary

Despite rain and floods, voter turnout strong in Ohio primary

Published on Tuesday Mar 04, 2008

Ohio voters, mindful they could help Republican John McCain clinch a nomination and decide the competition between the Democratic presidential candidates, ignored rain, hail and sleet in large enough numbers Tuesday that officials expected record turnout for a primary.

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner predicted as many as 4 million voters, 52 percent of Ohio’s registered voters, would cast ballots. Many got a head start before Tuesday by using absentee ballots _ this was the first presidential primary in Ohio that didn’t require voters to give a reason for using absentee ballots.

Early exit polls from The Associated Press and television networks found self-described independents were breaking toward the Democratic primary between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama. One in five voters in Ohio’s Democratic primary called themselves independents; one in seven GOP voters called themselves independents.

Turnout was steady around the state, but not so heavy that long lines were a problem, said Brunner spokesman Patrick Gallaway.

Rain was a bigger issue. A least 10 counties with flooding problems _ Jefferson, Adams, Harrison, Hocking, Perry, Pike, Athens, Vinton, Guernsey and Ross _ asked the state for permission to move voting sites located near water-covered roads, Gallaway said.

Adams County elections board director Stephanie Thompson said only a few voters had taken advantage of the option.

Ice caused power outages at a few polling locations in Knox County, but backup generators were keeping voting machines up and running, said Elections Clerk Kim Horn.

Ohio’s primary typically comes well after presidential nominees are decided. But with Democrats Obama and Clinton still in a tight race for nominating delegates, Ohio’s contest was key.

Source: ohio.com via politisite

Dems Name Economy As Top Issue In All 4 States

CBS News Exit Polls Also Show Nearly 1/3 Of Texas Democratic Voters Are Hispanic

 Campaign ’08 Complete Coverage

 March 4 Primaries Preview

AUSTIN (CBS) ― Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton contested primaries in Ohio, Texas and two other states on Tuesday, the front-runner and his pursuer in a riveting race for the Democratic presidential nomination. John McCain
reached out for the Republican delegates needed to secure his omination after a decade’s struggle.

In all there were 370 Democratic delegates at stake in Rhode Island, Vermont, Ohio and Texas, which uses an unusual primary-caucus system.

Polls close at 7 p.m. EST in Vermont, 7:30 p.m. EST in Ohio, 9 p.m. EST in Rhode Island, and at 8 p.m. EST in Texas except for El Paso and Hudspeth counties, which close at 9 p.m. EST, and the Texas Democratic caucuses begin shortly after polls close. Check CBSNews.com for results as they come in.

According to CBS News early exit polls, the economy was the top issue for Democratic voters in all four states voting today. Large majorities of Democrats in all four states think the economy is in bad shape.

The Economy was of most concern to Ohio Democratic voters. In Vermont, however, the economy nearly tied with Iraq as the most important issue.

Ohio Democratic voters hold mostly negative views on U.S. trade with other countries, according to the early exit polls. Eight in ten say trade takes jobs away from their state. In Texas, however, a lower number – 58%- say trade takes jobs away. In fact, in Texas, a quarter say U.S. trade with other countries creates jobs.

According to the exit polls, 32 percent of Texas primary voters are Hispanic — up from the 24 percent in 2004. In Ohio, 20 percent are African American, compared to 14 percent in 2004. Eighteen percent of Texas primary voters today are black, compared to 21 percent in 2004.

After 11 straight victories, Obama had the momentum and the lead in the delegate chase in CBS News count, 1,390-1,276. See the latest CBS News state-by-state delegate tally.

Clinton in desperate need of a comeback with time running out – if it hadn’t already.

“Hillary Clinton, if you believe the polls, and that’s always a danger, seems to have made her move in the last couple of days,” CBS News senior political correspondent Jeff Greenfield said. “I think part of that may have to do with her pounding away on the fact that Barack Obama doesn’t have the experience – that so-called 3:00 a.m. ad.”

Some of her supporters, her husband, the former president among them, said she needed to outpoll Obama in both Texas and Ohio to sustain her candidacy.

Without conceding anything, Obama’s allies said even that wouldn’t be enough, given his lead in the delegate count and party rules that virtually assure primary losers a significant share of the spoils.

Nevertheless in appearances Tuesday, Clinton sounded like she might continue her campaign if she only won Ohio, and Obama sounded almost resigned to an extension of the nomination battle.

Source: cbs5.com via politisite

 Early Views From The Clinton/Obama Campaigns

The Obama campaign expects to net seven or eight delegates out of the night from winning Vermont… they expect, delegate-wise, RI and Ohio will tie, and Texas, because of the caucus, will be a wash.

The Clinton campaign, having recieved leaked exit polls showing slim leads in both Texas and Ohio, is already challenging, in the press, the aggressiveness of Obama’s caucus operation but is generally happy with early reports that turnout in Texas is high.

In preparation for tonight’s precinct conventions, the Clinton campaign has worked with the Obama campaign and the Texas Democratic Party over the past few weeks to ensure that there was clarity of the rules and that every voter has a chance to participate in the process on an even playing field.

Unfortunately, we have received numerous reports that the Obama campaign is violating Texas Democratic Party rules by circulating precinct convention sign in sheets in advance and are having them filled in now. These underhanded tactics undermine the process that all parties agreed to.

Source: marcambinder.theatlantic.com via politisite

Understanding Ohio Politics

The first wave of Democratic exit polls are in: more women are voting then men, and the highest turnout is among white women, according to exit polls conducted by Edison/Mitofsky. The earliest results were gleaned from 1,020 Ohio voters.

Of those polled so far, 75 percent are white and 20 percent are African-American. Three percent are Hispanic.

Thirteen percent are between the ages of 17 and 29; 27 percent between the ages of 30 and 44; 33 between the ages of 45 and 59 and 26 percent older than 60.

Eighty percent of voters in the Democratic primary made their decision a week ago or more.

Fifty-nine percent considered the economy the most important issue facing the country, followed by 18 percent considering Iraq most important and 19 percent considering health care their most important.

Source: daytondailynews.com via politisite

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