Politisite Projection, Half a vote for Michigan delegates, Obama Gets 32% of delegates

 Clinton Does not want to Count the uncommitted Votes in Michigan for Barrack Obama.

Commentary by Albert N. Milliron, Highlighted areas various News Services

Donna Brazile: “My mama taught me to play by the rules”

Obama comes out with 46% of the delegates for Michigan.  Politisite thought they would remove Edwards delegates and leave them uncommited.  Since Edwards through his support to Edwards it appears that Obama got tose delegates as well.  Clintons people are threatening to go to the Convention.

Democratic Party officials agreed Saturday to seat Michigan and Florida delegates with half-votes. Here, the DNC statement released after the meeting:

Today, Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and Rules and Bylaws Committee Co-Chairs Alexis Herman and Jim Roosevelt issued the following joint statement:

“Today, after careful consideration and debate, the Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws Committee reached an agreement on the two challenges before the Committee on seating delegations from Florida and Michigan. The Committee voted to seat the full Florida delegation with a half-vote each. The RBC accepted the Michigan Leadership Plan as presented today by the Michigan Democratic Party with the exception that each delegate receives a half vote. In addition, the Committee agreed that delegates from both states should be slated under Rules 5, 6, 7, and 12, outlining the candidate’s right of approval. With this decision, the revised total of delegate votes needed to secure the nomination is 2,118.

“This decision was not made easily or lightly but after listening to oral arguments made by the complainants, State Parties, and both presidential campaigns, we believe this to be the most fair and equitable solution allowed within the rules. The Committee arrived at its decision with three basic principles in mind: One, that we must be fair to the voters in both states. Two, that we must be fair to both campaigns who abided by the rules in good faith and three, that we must be fair to the 48 states that followed the rules.

“We believe today’s decision is a step forward in unifying our Party as we work together to put a Democrat back in the White House so we can bring the Iraq War to a responsible end and get our economy back on track. We want to thank all of today’s presenters, members of the public — both those here today and the many others who have made their voices heard throughout the process, and supporters of both campaigns.”

Source: blogs.wsj.com via politisite

6:29 pm – will seat Florida delegates, moved and second, move for discussion.  Does not want tp penalize voters for the DNC process.  Voters want to be made whole, meaning full delegate rather than 1/2 voter per delegate – Source DNC Rules bylaws Com.  2 will  not vote for motion in order to respect the rules.  One will vote for full delegate but upset that vote to restore full votes will not pass. 

6:18 pm – Unconfirmed – DNC Florida Compromise Reached, Michigan Deal On The Table

he Michigan compromise, details of which must still be worked out, would give the majority of delegates to Clinton, who won 55 percent of the vote in the state’s primary. Those with knowledge of the RBC’s inner dealings say the potential deal involves all of the candidates who took their names off the state’s ballot voluntarily agreeing that the now-uncommitted delegates would go to Obama. The Illinois Democrat, accordingly, would receive 40 percent of delegates. Clinton nets roughly nine delegates on Obama under this scenario.

Source: headlinegenie.com via politisite

Update 6:15 pm – There has been a deal reached for Michigan

Donna Brazile: “My mama taught me to play by the rules”

Update 5:29 pm –  A 3 hour lunch, now I know this is politics, but this meeting is soppossed to be public.  Looks like some deals are being made in the back room.  Exactly what the DNC said would not happen.   Expect a quick public meeting soon with the full delegate distrubution.  We are hearing from a insider that Obama will get a portion of the uncommited votes in Michigan less some math from what other candidates would have received.  Since Edward through his delegates toward Obama Expect that that 8-15% will go Obama’s way.  If my math is right Obama will get 32% of the votes from Michigan, each with 1/2 a vote each.  Clinton wins nothing in this battle.

Politisite has Obtained a letter from the Clinton Campaign to the DNC dated May 30, 2008 arguing point by point for the delegates Read Here They seem to forgot thatClinton Signed the Statement

Remember all of Senator Clinton’s Speeches where she said, “every voted should be counted”?  Well as Politisite had reported in other articles, she wants delegates seated that will benefit her as the uncommitted voters many have been voting against Clinton and for Obama

Clinton Wins  Michigan, Guaranteed! Uncommitted comes in 2nd. The Republicans too close to call.  But I will call it further down the page.

Source: nowpublic.com via politisite

Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton bargained and bickered through intermediaries Saturday over the fate of 368 convention delegates from Florida and Michigan, a lingering dispute that threatened Democratic hopes for party unity at this summer’s convention and in the fall campaign for the White House. No matter the outcome of the convention Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting, the front-running Obama projected undiminished confidence he would wrap up the nomination shortly after the final primaries of the campaign on Tuesday.

Source: ap.google.com via politisite

“In life you don’t get everything you want. I want it all,” Florida state Sen. Arthenia Joyner said

40% of Michigan voters voted uncommitted, who do you think they were voting for?  well if you look at other states give 14% to Edwards, gravel was on the ticket and got under 1%, and  Kucinich got 4% of the vote.  So how many delegates should Obama get?  He signed the pledge, did not campaign in the states, and took his name off the ballot.  What do you give an honest man trying to follow the rules?

What Does Hillary Clinton Really Want From The Rules and Bylaws Committee

The options for Florida are to 1) Leave it as is and allow none of the delegates to be seated at the convention. 2)Seat half of the delegates, which would have been the original penalty, before Dean decided to make a power play and try to force Florida and Michigan to change the schedule or 3)Seat all of the delegates and only give them 1/2 a vote or 3/4 of a vote.

Michigan is a harder challenge because hundreds of thousands of people voted for “uncommitted” since their candidate of choice wasn’t on the ballot, those uncommitted may have voted for Obama had he not removed his name, or one of the other Democratic candidates that were still in the race at that time but had removed there name.

Also, believing the vote would not count, many people might not even have bothered to vote at all, already feeling they had been disenfranchised.

How do you divide that state when there are so many complications of how to award delegates if the committee is so inclined?

Some have proposed that the state’s delegates simply be divided equally, 50/50, yet that again would give Clinton a reason to appeal this decision and force it to the floor of the convention.

Source: wwwwakeupamericans-spree.blogspot.com via politisite

Senator Hillary Clinton’s campaign says that the Democratic party cannot award any of the “uncommitted” delegates from Michigan to any specific candidate, setting up a potentially major battle with the campaign of Senator Barack Obama.

At issue are the results of the Michigan primary, in which 55 percent of voters voted for Mrs. Clinton while about 40 percent of voters cast their ballots for “uncommitted.” Mr. Obama and most other Democrats had taken themselves off the ballot.

A proposal has been floating in advance of a party rules committee meeting tomorrow that would award all or a portion of those “uncommitted” Michigan delegates to Mr. Obama.

Source: thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com via politisite

Here are some reactions to the Closed meetings  and the DNC Rules and Bylaws Meetings

Donna Brazile: “My mama taught me to play by the rules”

Rep. Robert Wexler (FL) @ Rules and Bylaws Committee

Video 1



Can Mitt Romney Win in the Mitt: Michigan,  Politisite Political Predictions Clinton Does not want to Count some Votes in Michigan

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