Poop on flying fruit earns dubious honour

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

And yet the Artsy Fartsy Set in Canada, screamed their little Coulettes off when Prime Minister Stephen Harper cut funding to the Arts!  One wonders if his cuts were the kindest cuts of all.

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No wait, it’s an $80,000 flying banana.

It’s also the big winner at this year’s annual Teddy Awards, a spoof prize given out by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation for the worst examples of government waste.

The artists behind the “Geostationary Banana Project” squeezed some $80,000 taxpayer dollars out of the Canada Council for the Arts to attempt to float the giant inflatable fruit over Texas. The project has yet to get off the ground.

The banana, and $15,000 spent to bring a Belgian “poop machine” to Canada for a display, helped earn the council the Federal Teddy for waste.

Source: ottawasun.com

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