Possible Clinton Coup at the Democratic National Convention

Sen. Hillary Clinton Seeks Democratic Convention Voice maybe More!

Sen. Hillary Clinton told a gathering of supporters last week that she’s looking for a “strategy” for her delegates to have their voices heard and “respected” at the Democratic National Convention — and did not rule out the possibility of having her name placed into nomination at the convention alongside Sen. Barack Obama’s.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton told a gathering of supporters last week that she’s looking for a “strategy” for her delegates to have their voices heard and “respected” at the Democratic National Convention where Sen. Barack Obama is expected to be nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate.

“I happen to believe that we will come out stronger if people feel that their voices were heard and their views were respected. I think that is a very big part of how we actually come out unified,” Clinton, D-N.Y., said at a California fundraiser last Thursday, in a video clip captured by an attendee and posted on YouTube.

“Because I know from just what I’m hearing, that there’s incredible pent up desire. And I think that people want to feel like, ‘OK, it’s a catharsis, we’re here, we did it, and then everybody get behind Sen. Obama.’ That is what most people believe is the best way to go,” she said.

Damage Control: (Source Real Clear Politics)

The Obama and Clinton press offices released the following statement tonight:

“We are working together to make sure the fall campaign and the convention are a success. At the Democratic Convention, we will ensure that the voices of everyone who participated in this historic process are respected and our party will be fully unified heading into the November election.”

It’s unclear exactly what this statement is in reaction to, but it’s clear that some Clinton supporters — and possibly the Clintons themselves — are still not over the New York senator’s nomination defeat. An article in this week’s TIME magazine reports on that very subject.


Other NowPublic Coverage:

BigT had coverage on this story more then 2 hours prior to ours.  It is not Politisite’s practice to duplicate others work.  Please see his Prior coverage of this story –Hillary Clinton Could Bring Democrat Nomination to a Vote

Clinton Supporters claim Obama not a Natural Born Citizen, ineligible to be President

Other Media Coverage:

Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote

Clinton backers to march during Democratic convention

Clinton wants her delegates heard at the convention

Hillary Clinton: Hear my delegates

Obama, Clinton issue joint statement over Denver rumors

The Morning Report

Across the Blogosphere:

Could Hillary Still Steal Away the Nomination?

Clinton Seeks Democratic Convention Voice

Clinton backers not giving up as convention looms


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Hon. Alexis Herman
1333 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

James Roosevelt, Jr.
14 Meadow Way
Cambridge, MA 02138

Eliseo Roques-Arroyo
PO Box 190998
San Juan, PR 00919

Dear Credentials Committee Chairs:

In just a few weeks, our Party will convene in Denver for our National Convention. This will be an historic event that will showcase our vision for changing the direction of our country.

The delegates and alternates who gather on Monday, August 25 will reflect the talent, energy and rich diversity of our Democratic Party. The delegates will come from all 56 states and territories. As these delegates go about the important business of the Convention, I believe Party unity calls for the delegates from Florida and Michigan to be able to participate fully alongside the delegates from the other states and territories. Accordingly, I ask that the Credentials Committee, when it meets on August 24 to approve the delegates for the National Convention, pass a resolution that would entitle each delegate from Florida and Michigan to cast a full vote.

As a candidate for the nomination, I supported the DNC’s efforts to establish and enforce a schedule for primaries and caucuses that would broaden the opportunity for Democrats from all regions of the country and all backgrounds and walks of life to have a meaningful voice. An unprecedented number of voters participated in our Democratic nominating process. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Governor Dean for his principled leadership during this long and challenging process.

As we prepare to come together in Denver, however, we must be – and will be – united in our determination to change the course of our nation. To that end, Democrats in Florida and Michigan must know that they are full partners and colleagues in our historic mission to reshape Washington and lead our country in a new direction.

With warmest personal regards,

Barack Obama

(source: Obama Campaign)



Sen. Clinton May have Name Put in Nomination at Convention

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