Power to the People: NowPublic.com Nominated for Emmy Award

  NowPublic,a citizen journalist site, is among the nominees for Advanced Media: Interactivity. It marks the first time in Emmy history for a user-generated news site to earn such a nomination.
While there’s no specific date or story to mark the official birth “citizen journalism”, NowPublic deserves credit for providing passionate and resourceful independent  reporters the tools the the site to publish their original material to a mass audience.nowpublic video

Based in Vancouver, NowPublic publishes stories from thousands of contributors, with reporters in more than 5,500 cities and 160 countries.   Established media eventually followed their lead and cable news networks integrated citizen repots into their daily broadcasts, such as  I-report on CNN.

Leonard Brody, co-founder and CEO of NowPublic, believes the nomination legitimizes citizen journalism as an integral modern source for  news.

An Emmy Award nomination is a tremendous honor for NowPublic and an enormous step forward for participatory journalism.User-generated news has been widely embraced over the past year and this occasion validates that it as relevant as traditional newsgathering processes

NowPublic has already received recognition for its contributions to news. The Guardian named NowPublic one of the top five most useful news sites on the web and Time Magazine named it one of the top 50 websites in 07.Venture capitalist contributing to NowPublic’s growth include Rho Ventures, Rho Canada, Brightspark, GrowthWorks and members of the New York Angels.

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