President Jimmy Carter Alludes to an Obama Nod

President Jimmy Carter Alludes to an Obama Nod While in Nigeria

Politisite has learned that former President Jimmy Carter may be alluding to an Obama nod.  President Carter related in a press conferance while in Nigeria, “My children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama.” he further related “as a superdelegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for, but I leave you to make that guess.” 

a Carter spokeman confirmed the remarks.  So Carter basicially confirmed his support for Obama.  Today Senator Clinton stated to Reporters, “there is no such thing as a pledged delegate, it is a misnomer”.  The bottom line is that in this election for, “Change”  we can never be sure of where everyone stands until the end.

President Jimmy Carter Alludes to an Obama Nod

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