Quinnipiac University: McCain beats Obama in Swing States

Quinnipiac University: McCain beats Obama in Swing States, But Clinton Beats McCain in all three

McCain Leads Obama In Two Of Three Key Swing States, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds;

Clinton Beats McCain in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania

FLORIDA: Clinton 48 – McCain 41  Clinton +7 Points

McCain 45 – Obama 41 McCain by 4%


OHIO: Clinton 48 – McCain 41, Clinton by 7%

McCain 44 – Obama 40, McCain by 4%



Clinton 50 – McCain 37, Clinton by 13%

Obama 46 – McCain 40 , Obama by 6%

Politisite is going on the record for  Obama VP is Janet Napolitano  she has all of he savy as Clinton, but none of the negatives.  She will pull back the woman who would leave Obama and vote for McCain.  Has executaive expeience, won in a GOP state.  The MSM are no floating her name byt all of my stats say she is the best VP to complement Obama.  Gov Napolitano will help Obama win the states mentioned above.  So, Senator Obama, if you want to beat McCain, forget about Clinton and Pick Governor Janet Napolitano for VP.

McCain Leads Obama In Two Of Three Key Swing States, Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll Finds; Clinton Has Big Leads In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania — FLORIDA: Clinton 48 – McCain 41; McCain 45 – Obama 41; OHIO: Clinton 48 – McCain 41; McCain 44 – Obama 40: PENNSYLVANIA: Clinton 50 – McCain 37; Obama 46 – McCain 40

Plagued by a defection of Clinton supporters and white working class voters, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the leading Democratic presidential contender, trails Arizona Sen. John McCain, the likely Republican candidate, in Florida and Ohio, according to simultaneous Quinnipiac University Swing State polls released today. Sen. Obama is six points ahead in Pennsylvania. New York Sen. Clinton wins handily in all three states. No one has been elected President since 1960 without taking two of these three largest swing states in the Electoral College. Results from the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University polls show:

  • Florida: Clinton tops McCain 48 – 41 percent; McCain leads Obama 45 – 41 percent;
  • Ohio: Clinton beats McCain 48 – 41 percent; McCain tops Obama 44 – 40 percent;
  • Pennsylvania: Clinton tops McCain 50 – 37 percent; Obama leads McCain 46 – 40 percent.
In the McCain-Obama matchups, 26 to 36 percent of Clinton supporters in each state say that if Obama is the nominee they would switch to the Republican in November. Only 10 to 18 percent of Obama supporters say they would defect to McCain if Clinton is the nominee.

“The numbers for Florida and Ohio are good news for Sen. John McCain and should be worrisome for Sen. Barack Obama. That is especially true about Ohio, which decided the 2004 election. Ohio’s economy is worse than the rest of the country and the Republican brand there is in disrepute. McCain’s Buckeye lead may be a sign that nationally this may not be the easy Democratic walk to the White House that many expected,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

“In the Democratic primaries Sen. Obama won in most states among whites with college educations. But this data show him losing among Florida and Ohio white college graduates by six points or more,” Brown added.

President Bush’s approval ratings are:
  • 28 – 68 percent in Florida;
  • 26 – 68 percent in Ohio;
  • 23 – 72 percent in Pennsylvania.

In a Clinton-McCain matchup, she leads 54 – 37 percent among women, while men back McCain 45 – 42 percent. In an Obama-McCain matchup, men back McCain 48 – 39 percent, while women split, with 43 percent for Obama and 42 percent for McCain.

Florida voters give Clinton a 48 – 43 percent favorability rating, with 44 – 40 percent for Obama and 45 – 37 percent for McCain.

Florida Democrats split 41 – 41 percent on whether they want to see Clinton or Obama nominated. Democrats say 64 – 31 percent that Clinton should stay in the race and 61 – 31 percent that Obama should pick her as his vice presidential running mate.

Democrats who want Clinton to win the nomination, would vote 91 – 6 percent for her against McCain, but only 43 – 36 percent for Obama against McCain.

The economy is the most important issue in their vote, 47 percent of Florida voters say, while 19 percent list the war in Iraq. Health care and terrorism each get 11 percent. Voters split 46 – 44 percent on whether they trust Obama or McCain to handle the economy. By a 52 – 42 percent margin, they trust McCain more to handle the war in Iraq and trust McCain more, 58 – 34, percent to handle terrorism. Voters trust Obama 50 – 37 percent to handle health care.

A total of 86 percent of Florida voters say they would be “entirely comfortable” or “somewhat comfortable” with an African American President.

A total of 65 percent of voters say they would be “entirely comfortable” or “somewhat comfortable” with a President who enters office at age 72.

Because of his association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, 43 percent of Florida voters say they are less likely to vote for Obama, while 52 percent say it won’t affect their vote.

The same number, 43 percent, say they are less likely to vote for McCain because of his association with President Bush, while 45 percent say it won’t affect their vote.

“Sen. Obama is losing the white vote by 14 – 18 points in Ohio and Florida, which is enough to keep him from victory despite overwhelming support from African Americans. In Ohio, more than a quarter of Clinton voters say they will support McCain. In Florida, more than a third of them say they will back McCain against Obama. If he can’t win a decent chunk of them back, he’s got an uphill climb in these pivotal states,” said Brown.


McCain edges Clinton 46 – 44 percent among men, as she takes women 53 – 37 percent.

Men back McCain over Obama 47 – 39 percent while women tip to Obama 42 – 40 percent.

Ohio voters give Clinton a 52 – 42 percent favorability, with 44 – 38 percent for Obama and 43 – 36 percent for McCain.

Democrats say 50 – 37 percent they would rather see Clinton win the nomination. These voters say 65 – 30 percent that she should stay in the race and say 59 – 30 percent that Obama should pick her as his running mate. Democrats who back Clinton would vote for her 95 – 4 percent over McCain, but would vote only 50 – 26 percent for Obama over McCain.

The economy is the most important issue to Ohio voters, 53 percent say, followed by 16 percent who list the war in Iraq and 15 percent who cite health care. By a 46 – 40 percent margin, voters trust Obama more than McCain to handle the economy. They trust McCain more, 51 – 37 percent, to handle the war in Iraq. And they trust Obama more, 54 – 31 percent, to handle health care.

In all, 86 percent of Ohio voters say they would be “entirely comfortable” or “somewhat comfortable” with an African-American President. And 59 percent would be “entirely comfortable” or “somewhat comfortable” with a President who is 72 at the start of his term.

Because of Obama’s association with Rev. Wright, 40 percent of Ohio voters are less likely to vote for him, while 56 percent say it doesn’t make a difference.

Because of McCain’s association with President Bush, 44 percent are less likely to vote for him, while 47 percent say it doesn’t make a difference.

“Voters say they are much more comfortable with a black candidate than someone age 72, as is Sen. McCain,” Brown said. “Given that the United States has never had a black President, but Ronald Reagan was 73 when he was re-elected, one has to wonder whether respondents are giving what they perceive to be the politically correct response. Still, McCain’s age is a problem with many voters.”

Pennsylvania Clinton tops McCain 57 – 31 percent with women. He has a 43 – 41 percent edge with men. Obama tops McCain 49 – 37 percent with women. Men split 43 – 42 percent.

Clinton gets a 50 – 42 percent favorability, with 50 – 34 percent for Obama and 42 – 37 percent for McCain.

Pennsylvania Democrats prefer Clinton to Obama 47 – 40 percent and say 65 – 33 percent that she should stay in the race. Obama should pick Clinton as his running mate, Democrats say 59 – 31 percent. Democrats who back Clinton would vote for her over McCain 93 – 5 percent, but would vote for Obama over McCain 51 – 32 percent.

The economy is the top issue for 48 percent of voters, followed by 22 percent who list the war in Iraq and 13 percent who cite health care. By a 50 – 39 percent margin, voters trust Obama more than McCain to handle the economy. They trust McCain more, 49 – 43 percent, to handle the war in Iraq and trust Obama more, 57 – 30 percent, to handle health care.

A total of 88 percent of voters are “entirely comfortable” or “somewhat comfortable” with an African-American president.

A total of 59 percent are “entirely comfortable” or “somewhat comfortable” with a President who is 72 years old.

Source: quinnipiac.edu via politisite

Quinnipiac University: McCain beats Obama in Swing States

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