Ralph Nader A Tale of a Candidate Between Two Giants

Ralph Nader A Tale of a Candidate Between Two Giants

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor, Politisite.com & Iron Mill Interactive Media, inc

Ralph Nader arrived at the State House, in Columbia, South Carolina,  Thursday, to announce that he will be on the Presidential ballot in our state.  The Green party founder is running as an independent following a tough loss to former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Michelle Malkin wrote an article just after Nader’s loss, partied a McKinney Bumper Sticker, that said, “Run Cynthia Run” to “Run Ralph Run”  Well Ralph is Running and will make an attempt to be on more state ballots then either of his 2 previous bids for the Presidency. 

Two weeks ago, Mr. Nader had arrived at the South Carolina State Election Commission with nearly 18,000 signatures in hand. The signatures presented were nearly double the States requirement to appear on the presidential ballot.

Mr. Nader began his news conference relating that he is now on 15 state ballots  for the general election. He said that getting on all 50 state  ballots,   is obstructionist as it is so difficult with the various conflicting rules and financial requirements that near impossible for a candidate to get on all the States ballots. With that said,  he related that he has 30 state ballot initiatives underway and expects to be on 45 state ballots this election. He related that compared to Europe and Canada,  America is the most difficult of all to get on a ballot for an election.

Ralph Nader related that the major candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain fail to offer platforms that satisfy the needs of the American people. He contends that his view on the major issues are views that are held by the Majority of Americans. 

“The critical issues and directives of the Nader / Gonzalez campaign are majority views”,  most Americans are unaware of that as the, “Media’s Love Affair” with the Major candidates keeps his voice from being heard.

One stance, is the  minimum wage  The Nader campaign states, “that if an American works full time, they should have enough income to support the Basics necessities of the family” “The minimum wage federally is $6.55 per Hour. If the minimum wage from 1968 were adjusted for inflation in 2008 it would be $10.00 per hour.” In spite of the fact that worker productivity has doubled in the last forty years, the minimum wage purchasing power is $3.45 less the it was in 1968. 

He said that the Republican candidate, John McCain,  is happy with the Status Quo and has not intention on making changes to the minimum wage. Barack Obama, on the other hand, does believe in a livable minimum wage, but he defines it differently, by the year 2011 he would raise the minimum wage to be $9.50 per hour which is still below 1968 buying power levels.

Nader then moved to health care. He related that according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science 18,000 people die unnecessarily each year because of lack of health insurance. Nader’s plan calls for a National Medicare program for everyone in America. With free choice of health facility and physician. The majority of Americans want a universal health care program. 59% of doctors want some type of universal health insurance. Nader related that Neither McCain nor Obama have offered a program that covers all Americans.

Based on recent polling, some of the other issues on the Nader /Gonzalez ticket that seem to coorelate with the Majority of Americans are:

  • A comprehensive, negotiated military and corporate withdrawal date from Iraq;

  • Against building Nuclear Power Plants, rather invest in and use solar-based energy policies that supported renewable, sustainable, energy-efficient sources;

  • Eliminating corporate welfare and prosecute corporate crime that has resulted in millions losing pensions, savings and jobs and squandered tax dollars; and,

  • More direct democracy reflecting the preamble to the Constitution which starts with “we the people,” not “we the corporations.”

At one point in the news conference, he said, “and so it goes”, sighing, almost reveling how irrational it is to him that while he has programs that would meet the people of America’s wants and needs he is almost ignored.

While Obama draws 200,000 people in Berlin with all three networks anchors in tow,  and John McCain’s every move monitored an reported. Every comment between the candidates is considered breaking news, The man who was once called,  “One of the Most Influential Americans in the 20th century” by Time Magazine,  holds a news conference to a small crowd of spectators, passers by, a few hard core supporters.  Media coverage was just a sparce, a few local TV crews, one newspaper, and a new media reporter, a blogger and NowPublic Contributor.  There was no Fox News, No CNN, No MSNBC. It didn’t seem fitting as there were too few to hear the man who single handily took on Cooperate America.

One local reporter said, “It must be so frustrating to come to Columbia knowing that in 2004 you received a mere 5,520 votes of 1.6 million.”  The conversations about the Nader went on between the news reporters as they left the the Capital. Some where wondering why he continues.  He must feel small, against Obama and McCain, when he has a platform that is so directed at the people and against cooperate influence.  But Nader continues every election cycle, why? What is it about this man that drives him?  One said, “it’s the message, the message to take back our country”.

You may listen to Ralph Nader’s full news conference  Here

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Ralph Nader had some exciting news to share, he had just been to Google headquarters  discussing a YouTube / Google Presidential Town Hall that will include  third party and independent candidates. They will be taking advantage of their popularity to do something that major networks have refused to do, present a variety of candidates to debate in front of a national audience. The debate will be held in New Orleans on September, 18.   Politisite will provide more on this history making event as we receive more information. And, Yes, we will be there.  Here is the Site for more information

More About Ralph Nader

Mr. Nader is a Celebrated attorney, author, and consumer advocate Ralph Nader has been named by Time Magazine one of the “100 Most Influential Americans in the 20th Century.” For more than four decades he has exposed problems and organized millions of citizens into more than 100 public interest groups advocating solutions. His organizations have helped establish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and enact the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and countless other pieces of important consumer legislation. Because of Ralph Nader we drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe better air, drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments. Nader graduated from Princeton University and received an LL.B from the Harvard School of Law.

For more information see: VoteNader.org

Ralph Nader the Candidate Fightinig Against Two Giants Ralph Nader interview Ralph Nader News Conference,  Iron Mill News Service, 20080725113001 Ralph Nader the Candidate Between Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Between Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Between Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Between Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Fightinig Against Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Fightinig Against Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Fightinig Against Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Fightinig Against Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Fightinig Against Two Giants Ralph Nader the Candidate Fightinig Against Two Giants Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008

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