Rasmussen: McCain and Obama in Virtual Dead Heat, Country still Polarized

Synopsis by Albert N. Milliron, Editor, Politisite.com, Iron Mill Interactive Media, inc

Rasmussen Reports is reporting that the Gap between the two candidates has narrowed following the two months since Barack Obama clinched the nomination for the Democratic party. Obama had a bounce following his Berlin Speech but was short in duration. The candidates are in a virtual dead heat. John McCain has never taken a clear lead. He lead one time but it was within the margin of error and is considered statistically insignificant.

So with about 90 days before election day neither candidate has pulled away from the other, reminiscent of the last two election cycles. The electorate had been clearly polarized and continues to be so.

This Sunday, the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows the race still very close with Obama attracting 44% of the vote while McCain earns 43%. When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 47% and McCain 46%. (see recent daily results). 

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters have seen or heard news coverage of McCain’s ad including Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Just 22% believe the ad was racist. But, most say Obama’s comment about not looking like other Presidents on the dollar bill was racist.

The number of Americans who consider themselves to be Democrats fell two percentage points in July. Obama’s party still enjoys a big advantage over the GOP, but the gap between the parties is the smallest it has been since January. 

McCain is currently viewed favorably by 56% of voters, Obama by 54%. McCain earns positive reviews from 85% of Republicans while Obama does the same from 83% of Democrats. Among unaffiliated voters, 61% have a favorable opinion of McCain. For Obama, that number is 47% (see other recent demographic highlights).

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