Reading, Righting, Rithmatic, and Rage

Reading, Righting, Rithmatic, and Rage

Summary and Conclusion by Albert N. Milliron

There is a bit more going on in Waycross Georgia’s Center Elementary School, then “the Golden Rule” and Reading, Writing, and Arithmatic, as third grader’s (yes that is 8-10 year olds) conspire to attack a teacher due to a scholding for standing on a chair.  What is going on in the south? 

Police in Waycross say a group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher and brought a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job.

Police say the students assigned children tasks including covering the windows and cleaning up afterward.

Waycross Police Chief Tony Tanner says the plot by as many as nine boys and girls at Center Elementary in south Georgia was a serious threat.

Police arrested two of the students yesterday on juvenile charges and released them to their parents. They plan to charge a third child.

Tanner says the children ages 8 to 10 apparently were mad at the teacher because she had scolded one of them for standing on a chair. He says police seized a steak knife with a broken handle, steel handcuffs, duct tape, electrical and transparent tape, ribbons and a crystal paperweight from the students.

The police chief says the students apparently planned to knock the teacher unconscious with the paperweight, bind her with the handcuffs and tape and then stab her with the knife.

District Attorney Rick Currie says he decided to seek juvenile charges against only three of the students two girls, ages 9 and 10 who brought the knife and paperweight and an 8-year-old boy who brought tape. He says all three students face charges of conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, and both girls are being charged with bringing weapons to school.

Source: via politisite

Video Game Violence and Televison show called, “School Days”

Last week, a terrifying news hit Japan, the Kanagawa TV channel had to stop broadcasting the “School Days” show, an anime, after a 16 years old girl, dressed as a character of the cartoon, killed her father by hitting him several times with an axe. Many people say that the video games ar responsible for such actions, this time it was a anime…inspired by a video game.

I used to be a big fan of the animes (Kimengumi, Samurai Pizza Cat, Dragon Ball, Dr Sumlp, Harlock…) but nowadays most are focused on sex and violence…a shame

Source: !domain via politisite

The Violent Side of Video Games

Scientists are discovering that playing video and computer games and watching TV and movies can change the way we act, think, and feel. Whether these changes are good or bad has become a subject of intense debate.

Concerns about violence

Violence is one of the biggest concerns, especially as computer graphics and special effects become more realistic. Some parents and teachers blame school shootings and other aggressive behavior on media violence—as seen in TV programs, movies, and video games.

“If you’ve ever watched young children watching kickboxing,” says child psychologist John Murray, “within a few minutes they start popping up and pushing and shoving and imitating the actions.” Murray is at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.

There’s also evidence that people become less sensitive to violence after a while, Murray says. In other words, you get so used to seeing it that you eventually think it’s not such a big deal.

Source: via politisite

, she remained in a coma for

On a personal note, This foiled attack is among the many school incident’s in Georgia over thhe last ten years.  Linda Gail Hendrick was a close friend and maid of honor in my wedding.  She was stabbed by a student over 70 times.  Gail remained in a coma for almost 8 years.  This incident lead to, “the Hendrick Law”, which provided for tougher laws which allowed a judge to try those under 18 years of age as an adult in severe cases.  I was an advocate and pushed the, “Hendrick Law” passage when I was in a leadersip roll in my political party in Georgia.

Teacher stabbed 8 years ago dies

A former Richmond County special education teacher who was attacked by one of her pupils nearly eight years ago died Thursday.


Gail Hendrick was a Murphey Middle School teacher in 1999 when a pupil attacked her.


Linda Gail Hendrick, 59, was pronounced dead at about 2:30 p.m. by a hospice nurse at her parents’ home in west Augusta, Richmond County Coroner Grover Tuten said.

Ms. Hendrick had remained in a coma since being severely beaten and stabbed by her 14-year-old pupil, David Drayton, on Nov. 22, 1999.

During testimony in Richmond County Juvenile Court in December 1999, Mr. Drayton admitted attacking his teacher, but never said why.

On Dec. 15, Mr. Drayton was convicted of aggravated assault and received a five-year sentence. After sentencing, District Attorney Danny Craig said Mr. Drayton could be charged with murder and tried as an adult in Superior Court if Ms. Hendrick died.

On Thursday night, Mr. Craig said he “could not comment” on whether Ms. Hendrick’s death will prompt murder charges.

Mr. Tuten said he could not conclude whether Ms. Hendrick’s injuries resulted in her death but was waiting for the results of an autopsy being performed Thursday night.

Mr. Craig said he visited Ms. Hendrick’s home for most of Thursday afternoon, adding that “this a family of strong and faithful people. In times like this people like this are carried by their faith and love of community.”

Since the attack, Ms. Hendrick’s caretakers have been her elderly parents, Anola and Peter Hendrick. Ken Gordon, her former fianc, also has remained supportive, Mr. Craig said.

The attack against Ms. Hendrick occurred in a bathroom attached to her classroom at Murphey Middle School. The attack left the teacher to suffer from what Mr. Craig described as a lingering “traumatic brain injury.”

She was stabbed 70 times with a pair of scissors.

Source: via politisite

I wonder how we as American’s can turn our country around?  Ideas?

Reading, Righting, Rithmatic, and Rage

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