Realtors, Banks, Builders and the City of Vangroovy: Idiots?

Barry Artiste Op/Ed Okay, heres the deal, scam, poop. You want a house, can’t afford it, unless you like so many run a Marijuana Grow Op out of your basement. The Realtors, Banks, Builders and the City of Friggin Vangroovy have an answer to your prayers. Okay wait for it~~ Turn a portion of your home into a inlaw suite as a money maker to help you pay your crushing mortgage payments every month. Now as many who read my Op/Ed know, my job here is in the detail and facts of any story I Op Ed on. I read this story in friggin disbelief, all of these Fairy Wonks really just want you to go bankrupt! Why? Hmmmm,let me put it in layman terms, these corpulent assholes in this story, by the way who underestimated our Olympic Dream by well over a billion dollars plus fail to tell the Starry Eyed Sheep who may be reading this Vancouver Sun story! That is any income you get from renting a portion of your home is TAXABLE!! So much for the savings you thought you would get. Cause guaranteed these Prissy Colon Tasters of the Left will not tell you that when you put pen to paper to stretch yourself credit wise to the breaking point! Oh, I forgot one more thing,they obviously overlooked, ever hear about House, Fire, Flood, Theft and Liability Insurance? Ya gots to get that too, god forbid a tenant burns you out of house and home, or falls down one of your stairs or sidewalk. Hey, just call me Mr. Cheerful. betcha that Marijuana Grow Op is looking like a mighty fine mortgage helper now eh? Nanny, granny or secondary suites are key for home ownership in Metro Vancouver By Derrick Penner, VANCOUVER SUNOctober 12, 2009 5:01 PM VANCOUVER – They go by many names — granny, nanny, in-law or student — but secondary rental suites in homes have quickly provided more than a bit of assistance to homeowners in Metro Vancouver, Canada’s most expensive real estate market. “A lot of people need the mortgage helper,” Carolyn Heaney, manager of mortgage development in Vancouver for the Bank of Montreal, said in an interview. “For them, [rental income] allows them to build equity in a home, and without that mortgage assistance, they could never afford to be in that property.”

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