Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL) Calls Parties “Despicable’ and “Shameful”

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor

Seems like the working Talking point to diminish the impact of the nearly 500,000 who participated in the Tax Day Tea Parties is to call the movement an Astro-Turf (Fake Grassroots) event. Nancy Pelosi related this to reporters. She stated the tea party events are being funded by BIG Business and New Corp. Anyone who has been close to the city Planners is well aware that there was no funding form outside sources and gathering permits, obtaining insurance, and providing equipment were left up to the volunteers at the local level. There has been no evidence presented that large corporations have funded any of the Tea Party Events.

The other talking point appears to be to call the participants uneducated and misinformed by those who would benefit by big business legislation. In addition some congressman are saying that these tax day parties are a direct attack on the Obama administration. Most of the tea party footage that is available shows that the participants are upset with congress as a whole and how government is involved in the free market system.

While Protesters in left wing groups get dismissed for violent acts because they’re ideology is in agreement with the left leaning Main Stream Media, The Tea parties are being called, “despicable and Shameful”. Interestingly enough out of the 304 tea parties that data is available for there was one arrest. Despicable and Shameful indeed.

Schakowsky Statement on ‘Tax Day Tea Parties’

CHICAGO, IL (April 15, 2009) – Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, released the following statement in response to “tea parties” being held on Tax Day. “The ‘tea parties’ being held today by groups of right-wing activists, and fueled by FOX News Channel, are an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans and creates 3.5 million jobs.

It’s despicable that right-wing Republicans would attempt to cheapen a significant, honorable moment of American history with a shameful political stunt. Not a single American household or business will be taxed at a higher rate this year. Made to look like a grassroots uprising, this is an Obama bashing party promoted by corporate interests, as well as Republican lobbyists and politicians.”


TCOT Action Projects
Plan – Collaborate – Do
Michael Patrick Leahy

Michael Patrick Leahy has invited you to the event ‘Tell Jan Schakowsky it’s not Tea Parties that are Despicable’ on TCOT Action Projects!
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky ( A Democrat who represents the north suburbs of Chicago) publicly called the Tea Parties on April 15 “despicable and shameful.”

She will be speaking at the Lariat Rest

Time: May 3, 2009 from 5pm to 6pm
Location: Lariat Steakhouse
Organized By: Michael Patrick Leahy

Event Description:
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (Democrat from north suburbs of Chicago) publically called the April 15 Tea Party Protests “despicable and shameful”.

She will be speaking at the Lariat Restaurant in Peoria at 5 pm cdt on Sunday May 3. Please stop by and let her know what you think of her comments about the Tea Party Movement.

Call Lynn Scott, her speech coordinator, and let her know you want to reserve a seat at the restaurant to hear the speech, and then comment on it. Lynn can be reached at 309-673-3853

Source: TCOT Action Projects: