Report- 2012 Match-ups: Obama, Romney Tied at 45%

Obama at Mrytle Beach Debate-Photo-01It has not been a good week for President Obama. A Washington Post-ABC News poll says a majority of Americans don’t want health care reform. That is down from the high fifties just 4 weeks ago. His popularity has fallen into the fifties down from sixty-five percent a month ago. Now Rasmussen Reports has reported hypothetical presidential match ups that has Obama tied with Romney.

If the 2012 presidential election were held today, President Obama and possible Republican nominee Mitt Romney would be all tied up at 45% each, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

The president, seeking a second four-year term, beats another potential GOP rival, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, by six points – 48% to 42%.

In both match-ups, seven percent (7%) like some other candidate, with three percent (3%) undecided.

Palin is second only to Romney as the presidential candidate Republican voters say right now that they’ll vote for in 2012 state GOP primaries. But she’s also one of two candidates they least hope wins the party’s nomination.

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