Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina

Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina

Hello all you pundits, politicos, politstes, pollsters, political junkies, and casual political readers.

[ed. note: see here for a Live Blog from politisite]

Tonight I will be attending the South Carolina Republican Parties Presidential Debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This will be my sixth debate this presidential cycle. I LOVE IT!  During the event I will give you a pictorial of what is happening each stage of the process.  I will show you what it is like to cover a media event in the world of United States politics.  I will uploading photos and audio files  throughout the night.  Now credentialed media will not be in the debate auditorium we will be in the media press room were all those blogs and news services you read do their magic. Following the debate, during Hannity and Colmes, I will be in the Spin Room interviewing the candidates and celebrities as they arrive. Its always fun to bet on which candidate will be there doing their spinning.  That’s were candidates go to, “correct the record”, after they make all of their mistakes. It will be great!

The last debate I attended was in St. Petersburg Florida where I had the opportunity to interview Chuck Norris.  Chuck loves the Huckabee and we chatted about the reasons he supported him.  I will upload the audio and photos  of my interview with him.  I also chatted with Bay Buchanan who at that time was supporting Tom Tancredo. She is now with another candidate that is tough on immigration. Yes, of course I interviewed Ron Paul!!  Three times now.  He is invited as well.  Dr. Paul met the criteria by getting more than 5 percent in the national polls and beating Rudy Giuliani twice. So don’t believe that Huffington Post, “Fox Caved” What happened was He did great in the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary. You gotta love the Ron Paul supporters, “RON PAUL RON PAUL”, but they give me a headache.

I seems like NowPublic wants to get in on this… after me hounding them for days.  NP is going to do something special so keep checking back and get the details.  I sprung this on them pretty quickly so they are up all night working their fool heads off.  I can wait to see what happens.  Now if you don’t like Republican debates, your welcome as well.  We will hit every angle and every side of the issues.  If this goes well, Maybe NP will let me do the same for the Democratic Debate on Jan 21st.


So there it is.  Hope to see you tonight on NP.  Best way to find us is got to the homepage and you will see the link for debate on the left hand side of the screen or you can go to


Albert N. Milliron

[q url=”″]Six candidates to participate in historic 2008 South Carolina Republican Party Presidential Candidates Debate in Myrtle Beach

COLUMBIA, S.C. – Excitement surrounding presidential politics in South Carolina continues to grow as South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Katon Dawson today announced that invitations have been extended to and accepted by six Republican presidential candidates to participate in the 2008 South Republican Party Presidential Candidates Debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher this election, and we couldn’t be more excited to extend a warm South Carolina welcome to six White House hopefuls who are seeking the Republican nomination to be the next President of the United States,” said Dawson. “These candidates join tens of thousands of Republicans from across the country and hundreds of journalists from around the world who are converging on Myrtle Beach for this debate because they know the 2008 election could be decided on our stage that night.”

The following candidates will be receiving formal invitations from the South Carolina Republican Party to the 2008 South Carolina Republican Party Presidential Candidates Debate (in alphabetical order):

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani – New York City Former

Governor Mike Huckabee – Arkansas

U.S. Senator John McCain – Arizona

U.S. Congressman Ron Paul – Texas

Former Governor Mitt Romney – Massachusetts

Former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson – Tennessee[/q]

Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina Republican Debate Tonight from South Carolina

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