RNC Launches MeetBarackObama.com in Responce to DNC site about McCain

In responce to the DNC website regarding Jogn McCaon.  Tye RNC has just released a webdsite that looks at the policies of Barck Obama

Here’s a new message-replicating site from the Republican National Committee about Barack Obama. He’s labeled “the freshman Senator from Illinois.” The top feature of the site is a cataloged of Democrats who’ve criticized Obama as inexperienced. Other panels explore “The Rezko Judgment,” Obama’s resume (with a line showing him as a “street organizer” in Chicago). There’s also a widget featuring a clock counting how long it’s been since Obama’s been to Iraq. The RNC makes ample of photographs showing Obama without a gray hair on his head. (He has plenty of snow these days…)

RNC Launches MeetBarackObama.com in Responce to DNC site about McCain RNC Launches MeetBarackObama.com in Responce to DNC site about McCain

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