Romney Pulls All Ads in South Carolina, Florida

The AP is reporting that Governor Mitt Romney, following his loss in New Hampshire, has pulled all his ads in South Carolina and Florida. He had been advertising here since January of last year. It was very difficult to turn on televison for a few minutes without hearing, “I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message” What is going on? Has Mitt Romney gone broke? No Way!  The Guys Loaded! So why?

We think he has laid his bet on one more number and if he doesn’t win, he’s going home. South Carolina is the turning point for many campaigns,  but Michigan may be his. Senator Fred Thomson is doing nearly  the same thing in South Carolina, but unlike Romney, money is an issue. ( For an analysis on Fred Thompson in South Carolina, see BigT’s Article on NowPublic @ Thompson’s Last Stand in South Carolina

Associated Press – January 9, 2008 5:04 PM ET BOSTON (AP) – Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is pulling his advertising from South Carolina and Florida. The former Massachusetts governor was hoping to take on Mike Huckabee and John McCain in South Carolina and fight Rudy Giuliani in Florida. A Romney spokesman says the campaign feels the best strategy is to focus their advertising dollars on Michigan. The move comes on the heels of back-to-back second-place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire for Romney.


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