Russert Memorial Highway Proposed

Russert Memorial Highway Proposed

On Monday Sens. Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinrton, abd Rep, Brian Higgins will introduce a resolution that will rename a portion os U.S. Route 20 to become the Russert memorial Highway. The lawmakers will propose this resolution during regualr business on Monday Morning.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Under their proposal, a section of the highway that runs in front of the stadium – home to Russert’s beloved Buffalo Bills – would bear the late newsman’s name. They didn’t specify exactly what the new name would be or how long a stretch of the highway would be renamed.

Russert, who hailed from Buffalo and was a legendary fan of his hometown team, suffered a heart attack and died Friday afternoon at the NBC News Washington Bureau.

Source: via politisite

Russert Memorial Highway

A portion of U.S. Route 20 near Ralph Wilson Stadium in Orchard Park could be named after the late Tim Russert.

WASHINGTON – Federal lawmakers from New York say they want to rename a portion of U.S. Route 20 near Ralph Wilson Stadium in Orchard Park after the late Tim Russert.

Sens. Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton and Rep. Brian Higgins say they’ll introduce a resolution regarding the highway’s name on Monday.

Russert Memorial Highway Proposed

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