Sanford Impeach/ Resign Rally Today at 5:30pm at the State House


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By Albert N. Miliron, Editor on July 9th, 2009 at 10:56 am

Doesn’t one think that Bombing an aspirin factory to Get Monica Lewinsky off the News cycle more of an impeachable offense then his affair. This whole thing that, “Its not about the sex, its because you didn’t tell me where you were” rings so much all those who claimed that Clinton had personal affair and its none of our business. Lewinski was a White House aide and it is a violation of every standard to have encounters of that kind. Think Clinton wasn’t missing in Action? How many events did he carry out to cover up his behavior by bombing Iraq and Missile strikes. So one should look deep within ones self and ask… “is this because Sanford is oppositional to my political leanings” or “do I hold all politicians to the same standard”.

Folks are touting the Thousands in a facebook group. In Practice it is much easier to check a box then to show up at the State House. I guess less then 300-400 max. I will be there to canvass the protesters to see if this is not just a democrat led smear by those who protected their favorite son in President Clinton


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