SC Congressman Barrett Introduces 'TEA Act' to cut 500 Billion

Barrett Introduces TEA Act

Today, Congressman Gresham Barrett introduced the Taxpayer Empowerment and Advocacy Act – or the TEA Act for short. 

The TEA Act will:

  • Save taxpayers $520 billion over the next five years by reducing government
  • Limit the growth rate of government to inflation
  • Strenghten the definition of emergency spending to prevent abuse and
  • Require PAYGO for all new mandatory spending programs.

I believe the TEA Act will set Congress on a new, more accountable course while protecting the taxpayers’ best interests. I encourage you to let your friends and family know about this common sense bill that will save us more than half a trillion dollars over the next five years.


I would love to hear your thoughts about this legislation. Logon to my blog by clicking here and let me know what you think.


Click here to read more about the TEA Act.

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