Sen. Boxer to Constituent: Don’t Point at Me

California Senator Barbara Boxer isn’t holding any town halls, though she is doing a series of appearances promoting her new book – a work of fiction about a diminutive female Senator who runs up against a “power hungry, civil rights trampling Vice President” and a “right-wing radio host without principles.”

Elitist Alert- Boxer, 'don't point at me'
Elitist Alert- Boxer, 'don't point at me'

Nevertheless, there were a couple of tense moments at her most recent book signing in the super friendly confines of Marin County:

Most of the Q and A time was reserved for questions specifically about her book, but Boxer did take a few general questions from the audience. Not surprisingly, all of them–with the exception of a single rambling 9/11 conspiracy wing-nut–were about the health care debate.

The only prickly moment occurred when the Senator pointedly requested that one audience member not point at her while she asked her question.

Please read the full article- Sen. Boxer to Constituent: Don’t Point at Me – Real Clear Politics –

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