Sen. John McCain’s “Straight Talk Express” Derails on the Campaign trail

 Senator John McCain’s Straight Talk Express Derails on the Campaign Trail

By Albert N. Milliron, Iron Mill Interactive Media, inc

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Very few Americans can take issue with Senator McCain’s Military Heroism. Some have said that it is easy for a combat pilot to drop bombs and never see the devastation produced by such acts. Many forget 1967USS Forrestal  fire where McCain nearly lost his life along with over 100 men. John McCain’s years spent at the Hanoi Hilton is rarely brought into question as his father, Admiral John S. McCain Jr, commanded U.S. forces in the Pacific during Vietnam and McCain could have come home years earlier than the years he spent there. McCain would not leave his men behind due to his status of being the son of a major military Officer.

When the general election begins just weeks from now, Democrats will bring up McCain’s involvement with what was quoined, ” The Keating Five Scandal“, a corruption investigation where five senators, including McCain, were reviewed regarding the Lincoln Savings and Loan. McCain was involved with one Keating in that he received 112,000 dollars in campaign contributions. Most of the five senators were censured or received Jail sentences but John McCain was never convicted as there was not enough evidence to convict him of any wrong doing. Many pundits believe this is why in later years., McCain worked so hard on Campaign finance reform legislation. Possibly to atone for any perceived wrong doing on his part.

McCain’s first marriage may also be in the news during the general election. McCain divorced in 1980 following had a relationship with now wife, Cindy Hensley, an heir to a beer distribution fortune. 

The body of this story is not about his Heroism, his early congressional career, or his involvement in scandal with the Keating Five. This story is about the so called, Straight Talk Express, and its derailing since the candidate became the presumptive nominee for President of the United States.

Since John McCain has become the Republican Nominee there have been commentary from the social conservative part of the party concerned that McCain is more of a conservative democrat rather than a Republican. He has been slammed about campaign finance reform with Sen Fiengold, Immigration Reform with Sen Kennedy, his views on gun control and stem cell research. In addition he is an advocate of Global warming which 22,000 scientists has called junk science.

Now that he is the nominee he is trying to move toward the conservatives as evidenced by many of his recent statements. This was the man who stuck with the war even if it caused him to lose an election. Why all of the recent changes. Here we will outline some of the major changes the Straight talk express has exited on.

  1. Voted Against the Bush Tax Cuts – Senator McCain in 2001 voted against the Bush Tax cuts because it was irresponsible during a war and the excessive spending by the Government and earmarks.  Come election season, McCain now wants the Tax cuts made permanent.

  2. Don’t know much about the Economy  – All of the sudden when the Economy because the major issue folks are worried about, McCain is not the expert on the economy.  Sen. McCain, do you ever watch You tube?  Maybe a better way to handle this would have been to say that you would put economic experts around you in your cabinet.

  3. Global Warming McCain says the Debate is over?  22,000 scientists disagree.  In parts of the US temperatures were the lowest since 1899.

  4. Stem Cell Research – Many running for office say that when they are elected that they will make federal funding for stem cell research happen.  Others say they will lift the “ban” on stem cell research.  There is NO ban on Stem cell research in the United States.  The Government does fund Stem cell research.  What the candidates are not saying is that they want federal funding for embryonic stem cell research which has shown little if no promise of results compared to umbilical cord stem cells or other stem cells that are showing the most promise  The use of Embryos is more a political posture than a medical one. 

  5. Immigration Reform –  John McCain along with Senator Kennedy (May he recover well) wanted to get Immigration reformed enacted prior to the Border Fence being on line.  While his bases that everyone is a child of God and deserves rights has merit, The process must be done legally.  He now has taken the position that the people have spoken and immigration reform is dead until the border fence is on line.  With the legal challenges affecting the border fence, Immigration reform will be dead for a long time. 

  6. Campaign Finance Reform –  Here is a web that Senator McCain spun himself.  These laws have now come back to bite him in his own campaign.  In the general election the 501C like and other George Soros entities will be attacking him in full metal Jacket.  He is now in a bit of heat on his choice to accept than not accept public funding for his campaign.  The Left will hound him on the very reforms he worked so hard to put into place.

The Democratic National Committee has put out several videos that show the Flip flops that have occurred during the Straight Talk Express went on the road.  In todays environment what one says today will be replayed and compared with what one says tomorrow.  We are not saying that Sen McCain has made some changes to his policy’s based upon changes in his own personal views, but too many are looking like politically expedient changes to get elected.  John, we think integrity is the most important attribute of your campaign.  Why not get back on the right road.



McCain Exposed

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