Senator DeMint in South Carolina Promoting Health Care Freedom

Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint announced details for his 5th Annual “South Carolina on the Move” Tour. Senator DeMint will visit 12 cities throughout the state to promote his plan for health care freedom that will make it possible for Americans to have access to personal health insurance and the freedom to make their own health care decisions.

“There are serious problems with the President’s plan for a government takeover of health care and I look forward to hearing from South Carolinians on this issue. I will continue to fight for real health care reform by fixing what’s broken, not ending what’s working. We should allow patients to buy affordable insurance from any state, give fair tax treatment to those who don’t get insurance at work, and lower costs by reducing frivolous lawsuits. I’ve authored the Health Care Freedom plan so every South Carolinian, and all Americans, have access to a personal health plan that they can own, afford, and keep,” said Senator Jim DeMint.

As part of the tour, Senator DeMint will also be participating in a series of town halls across South Carolina to discuss what is going on up in Washington and listen to South Carolinians and their ideas. DeMint added, “South Carolinians want to have their voices heard in this health care debate and on other important issues. I look forward to seeing some old friends and hearing some new ideas.”

DeMint also plans to focus his tour on the economy visiting multiple businesses and meeting with local area Chambers of Commerce across the state. Throughout the tour he will present his annual “South Carolina on the Move Award,” designed to highlight businesses and organizations that have shown exceptional leadership in their community or field of expertise.

“Our state and nation are going through extraordinarily tough economic times. But South Carolinians know that an out-of-control Washington helped cause this recession through Fannie Mae, easy money policies, and runaway spending and debt. They also know that bailouts, takeovers, and wasteful spending programs won’t create lasting growth, but instead will mortgage away our future. But despite these troubled times, there are some encouraging signs thanks to the hard work of South Carolina small businesses and I want to highlight these successes. And as I travel the state, I will renew my commitment to families and small businesses to continue to fight attempts by Washington to raise electricity and health care taxes that would destroy jobs and hurt our chance of a real recovery.”

Events for Days 1-2 of the 5th Annual “South Carolina on the Move” Tour
August 17-18, 2009: Further Dates to Follow
**All events listed below are OPEN to PRESS**

Monday, August 17th

7:30 AM Daniel Island Neighborhood Association Meeting/Town Hall
Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Drive, Charleston, SC
DeMint will be the keynote speaker and will take questions from attendees

12:30 PM Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce – East Cooper Regional Medical Center Press Availability
1200 Johnnie Dodds Blvd., Mt. Pleasant, SC
Press should come directly to the construction trailer which is located on Von Kolnitz Road across from James B. Edwards Elementary. At the entrance, take a left (you can
see construction trailers), and there will be someone outside providing direction.

Tuesday, August 18th

12:30 PM Rotary Club of Charleston Luncheon
Citadel Alumni House, 171 Moultrie Street, Charleston, SC
DeMint will be the keynote speaker and will take questions from attendees

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