Senator DeMint not on the Sidelines at Tea Party Rallies


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DeMint and other well-known conservatives, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, are lined up to speak at some of the demonstrations.  DeMint will address protesters in Greenville, Columbia, and Charleston, S.C., according to his spokesman, Wesley Denton. Culberson will attend a Houston demonstration, but he is not scheduled to speak.

DeMint said he’s “encouraged” about the protests because “so many are ready to stand up and fight for freedom.” 

“These are moms and dads, teachers and students, businessmen and women who are concerned for their country,” DeMint told “They are worried that our nation is quickly being taken in the wrong direction by politicians who are more concerned about the next election instead of the next generation.”

“This cuts across party lines and demographic divides. It’s not about Republican or Democrat, its about citizens who believe America can only survive if we protect the principles of liberty from a federal government that is out of control and must be reformed now. And that’s a real message of hope,” he said.

“The Tea Party grassroots movement understands and is sending the message to Washington that we cannot tax, borrow, and spend our way to prosperity,” Culberson said.


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