Seriously, dude … college to offer degree in surfing: Canada

Opinion – Barry Artiste

Why should this be any different than other courses offered, A degree in Surfing. Since last year there is a University degree to be had in Simpsonology, whereby you can get a bachelors degree in Homer Simpson.

surfingThat’s right Homer Simpson, not Jessica Simpson which would make a whole lot more sense. At least a degree in surfing, teaches business principles and engineering design for surfboards.

Perhaps, we may see Surfers with cardboard signs at the beaches of Tofino, British Columbia, stating, “Will Design Surfboard for Pot”.

Seriously, dude … college to offer degree in surfing

Posted: August 26, 2008, 2:19 PM by Karen Hawthorne

Canada, News Apparently, Canada needs to open its eyes to surfing.

Or so says Barbie Mayor, one of Canada’s top surfing judges. She is also a nursing instructor at North Island College on Vancouver Island, B.C.

where she’s working with an Australian university to create a two-year program for a degree in surfing.

The program, that will run the gamut of surfing techniques and safety to business management, must now go through all the administrative hoops for final approval — but it’s on the table.

She’s hoping for student enrollment by 2009. Once approved, the two-year diploma of sports management in surfing studies will be centred in Port Alberni and Tofino, known for their surfer-friendly lifestyle.

1 Comment

  1. Where can you go to get a degree in Simpsonology?

    I’ve tried googling it, but all I found was the book Simpsonology by Dr. Tim Delaney, sociology professor at SUNY Oswego.

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