Stem Cells “PEP UP” Aging Pooch to Randy Pup

Barry Artiste OP/Ed

Wow, O Joy O Bliss, Stem cells turn a 10 year old arthitic German Shepherd into a Randy Pup, meanwhile Humans still await Stems cells for their aging bodies. What a wonderful world we live in!  On another Note, some guy butchers his wife in LA and stuffs her corpse in a suitcase,now he is believed to be in Canada. Oh yeah, some homeless guy is found dead in Stanley Park.  Quite a News Contrast eh?

Last year, lawyer Sandy Draibye barely paused before calling her veterinarian on hearing about a new — albeit costly — stem cell therapy. The therapy sounded like the solution to the decreasing mobility plaguing her then 10-year-old German shepherd Micki.

Micki’s veterinarian, Amanda Booth of Sooke’s Saseenos Veterinary Services, wasn’t surprised by Draibye’s call. She describes her Vancouver client as very proactive when it comes to her dog’s quality of life.

“This is her kid,” Booth says.

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