Stimulus Package full of Pork Barrel Spending (See List)

Sen. Tom Coburn is offering a GOP counterpoint to a recent White House report that extolled the early successes of the $787 billion stimulus program.

The White House report focused on 100 projects that administration officials believe demonstrate the wisdom of the massive fast-spending effort to jolt the economy back to health.

Coburn’s report essentially says “Wait one minute there, fellas.” It’s called “A Second Opinion on the Stimulus,” and it features 100 projects that the senator and his staff believe show the waste and foolishness of some stimulus spending.

An LA Times story this morning says the report “contends the Obama administration’s stimulus program is fraught with waste and incompetence — evidenced by a turtle crossing in northern Florida that will cost more than $3 million and a snafu in which thousands of Social Security checks went out to people who had died.”

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