Sudan’s wanted president arrives at Arab summit

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

And what does this tell the World, in particular the West who are fighting the War on Terror, when supposed allies welcome with open arms a Genocidal Madman. Yep, just call the West “All Day Suckers!”  Newflash! What will the West do in talks with these supposed allies of ours, will they chastise them and say WTF?  Nope, the West will do  ………………….abso……………….lute………………………ly………………………..nothing!

Sudan’s wanted president arrives at Arab summit

Updated Sun. Mar. 29 2009 10:13 AM ET

The Associated Press

DOHA, Qatar — Sudan’s president, who is sought by an international court on charges of war crimes in Darfur, received a warm welcome Sunday in Qatar, where he will attend this week’s Arab League summit.

President Omar al-Bashir was greeted with hugs and kisses by Qatar’s emir in a red-carpet welcome at Doha’s airport on Sunday. He later had coffee with the emir and the head of the Arab League. The summit begins Monday.


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