Supreme Court: Looking Good

According to Rasmussen Reports, “the United States Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on the Second Amendment last week did more than clarify an important Constitutional principle—it also improved public perceptions of the Court itself.”

Following the decision which uphold the right of citizens to bear arms, 34% of voters say the Supreme Court is doing a good or an excellent job. That’s an eight-point improvement in just a few days.

Before the Justices overturned a Washington, DC law banning handguns in the city, just 26% said the Court was doing a good or an excellent job.Two weeks ago, 31% gave the Justices such positive reviews. A month ago, that figure was 41%.

Republicans and unaffiliated voters have improved their opinion of the Supreme Court over the past few days while the views of Democrats are little changed.

The last major Court ruling on this Second Amendment was issued nearly 70 years ago when justices upheld a federal ban on sawed-off shotguns. News of the newest Supreme Court action didn’t take long to reach voters. On the night the ruling was issued, 64% knew what the Court had decided. Among those who knew how the Court ruled, 63% agreed with the decision and 25% disagreed.Those results are consistent with polling conducted before the Court ruled. Beyond the specific issue of a city banning handguns, that earlier polling also found that voters are evenly divided on the need for stricter gun control laws.

Supreme Court:  Looking Good Our Rights Violated, Where is the end?

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