Swedish National Detained in Pakistan as al Qaeda

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Swedish Nationals arrested by Pakistan and detained include a 2 year old boy,perhaps the ringleader in all this?   Seriously though, if these accusations turn out to be true, it will show in part you never know who is al Qaeda and who is not.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan said Monday it was investigating a group of foreigners — including a Swedish man once held at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay — for ties to al Qaeda after they were detained on immigration offences.

Three other Swedes were also detained last month, including a woman and her 2-year-old son, after they entered the country from Iran and headed to North Waziristan — a lawless, militant-riddled tribal area along the Afghan border — allegedly to join al Qaeda operatives hiding there, according to a police report obtained last week by The Associated Press.

Source: ctv.ca

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