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Founder of Big Government to launch journalism site

December 11, 2009 Iron Mill Interactive Media 0

The site – to be called Big Journalism – builds on the “Big” brand Breitbart launched in September with Big Hollywood and Big Government. Both sites have made waves with stories exposing past controversial remarks by Obama administration officials and by featuring a series of videos of ACORN officials inappropriately offering advice to two conservative activists dressed up as a pimp and prostitute. He also helps edit the Drudge Report and runs the news aggregator Breitbart made the announcement in an interview with Mediate, telling the website covering media-related news that Big Journalism will be “the go-to site for solidly backed-up stories, sharp points of view, and really great writing.” Breitbart has selected former Time Magazine staffer Michael Walsh to run the site, which he said will “fight the mainstream media – New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN — who have repeatedly, and under the guise of objectivity and political neutrality, promoted a blatantly left-of-center, pro-Democratic party agenda.”

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National Tax Day Tea Party Video from Columbia, SC

The Columbia, South Carolina Tax Day Tea Party at the State House drew nearly 3000 people, six times the original estimates. Here is a cross section of Videos from Various perspectives of the event. Speakers included Event coordinator Britton Clark a Local Realtor, Bill Connor candidate for Lt. Governor, Senator Jim DeMint, Governor Mark Sanford, Sheri Few President & CEO and co-founder of South Carolina Parents Involved in Education (SC PIE) , and Ken Hoagland National Communications Director of Politisite live streamed the event for Breitbart TV The B-Cast with Scott Baker and Liz Stephans, Politisite, Iron Mill News, and several other sites that embeded the video stream. Michelle Malkin and Hot Air Featured Photos from the event as well. The Political Polling site, FiveThirtyEight, put Columbia’s Tea Party in the top twenty five out of 306 Tea Parties where data was available.