Takedown in East Vancouver


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Yeah, but the Public should be rest assured the criminal element is back on the streets by the time you read this.  We Do live in the Mostest Bestest Place in the World!

Vancouver police took down three men at gunpoint in East Vancouver
Saturday. Photograph by: No Credit, Special to The Province

Takedown in East Vancouver Langley shooting victim still in critical condition

 By Katie Mercer, The Province February 8, 2009

It took more than 20 officers to take down three men at gunpoint Saturday afternoon in East Vancouver after what police say began as a routine traffic violation.

An eyewitness told The Province the men were taken out of two SUV-style vehicles one-by-one, frisked and loaded into a police van at East 5th and Main Street at 2:30 p.m.

The witness said he counted 15 uniformed officers, about six in plainclothes, two police dogs and 15 marked and unmarked cars lining the road from Quebec to Main streets.

Source: theprovince.com

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